Company requests that I do overtime to meet deadlines, I start working overtime, a week later I get an email "clarifying" the rules for overtime. None of which I have complied with because I didn't know about the fucking rules because they never told me about them.

Now they will "try their best" to put the hours through for me but they can't promise anything.

That's 10 hours of my life I probably won't get back, just glad I didn't do more now.

  • 2
    Many companies are like this greedy badtards now willing to pay fair time for work done because it was approved ahead of time but the project NEEDED to be done....sigh
  • 0
    "Never again" tag says it best
  • 1
    ha ha ha. the adage of "overtime".... what does one get when you do more work ? ding ding. MORE FUCKING WORK!!!
  • 0
    They have wisely decided that I can put the hours through and they won't ask any questions.

    Just wish the PM had checked with his superiors before promising us the world.
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