
Most of our university courses are stuck in the early 2000. Feels like it's mostly due to lazy professors who just use the same material year after year.

What do you think?

It feels like I'm not learning anything useful anymore. Should get out of here ASAP.

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    Same in every hungarian course. 1.5 yeard and i need to choose a school, but there is nothing for me.
  • 7
    While this is true, you must understand that university is not a continuation of school where you are spoon fed everything and told what to read. University is very much about you and your desire to learn. You will not succeed unless you embrace that mindset. If you only learn if someone teaches you then you may as well get a job at Maccy D's. You can't change this but you can succeed despite it.
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    I'm not going to give advice, since I don't know your specific situation.

    That said, I haven't finished my uni degree because of reasons out of my control. I started working as a Babyor-dev (about one or two degrees below junior according to my ex-coworkers) and havent missed my degree so far. Most of my skills come from on-the-job experience or certificates I got after I started working full-time.

    In most fields, I probably wont have any trouble finding a new job. Things like machine-learning and Big data are things I do feel im lacking, but im not searching for a career in those fields anyway.

    Programming is kind of an science-art. You definitely need to grasp the concepts wich are very science-y, but making *good* code and programs is something you either get after a lot of experience, or something you probably will never learn.

    College was fun, mainly. Didn't really learn me anything that helped me in my professional life.
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    @ironedr I agree and also with all the other comments here.

    But some abstract concepts might have been invented during this decade also, right? Or did the science in computer science stop developing and everyone is just developing new frameworks?
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    Universities are not for learning new shinny frame works, they are about learning concepts and ideas.

    Most of the good and valuable concepts and ideas were invented long ago:
    Functional programming
    Dynamic languages
    Design patterns
    Actors model
    SOLID principals

    All that's new today is most probably just a manifestation of those principals in modern languages or architectures.
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    Unis also have a more strict requirement wgen it comes to updating their curriculum. Grabted they should be updated at least once a decade in a fast moving field like tech....

    This isnwhy bootcamps have become so popular
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    @BirdLawExpert Yeah I think that's also one of the main reasons
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    I guess you are the Lebanese University!! 😕
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    I'm sorry for those typos lol I was fat fingering my phone pretty bad
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    I have the same problem in my school. My fucking teacher never helps! Whenever I go up top him with a question he just gives me some half ass answer or says "oh well that's a problem" and I'm only in highschool so most of my peers are no more experienced than me so I have to dig through YouTube and Stack exchange to still not fix my problem and all of our books are older than me!
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