How many times have you been called an idiot for verifying the accuracy of a critical piece of information?

  • 3
    Not once.
  • 2
    Which idiot called you that?
  • 1
    I will let you know when I get called
  • 5
    I got called out a few times for asking my former lead to verify some data filters he wrote. Long story short, I’m the lead now. If you see a problem or potential problem, speak up.
  • 2
    Never. If it's marked as critical, I'm triple checking it.

    If I'm then triple checking too much, then it means too much information is marked as critical, not that I'm being an idiot.
  • 2
    @NoMad Pretty much every coworker and manager I ever met.
  • 1
    @wackOverflow Indeed, except perhaps it's not always wise to speak up when this job is the only job you landed in a space of two years and you're barely in the start of your career. I don't have a job now though, lol.

    Sensible advice, though.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce A good point indeed.
  • 2
    “I’m going to do this wrong because you believe it’s correct instead of going over it. Just getting this in writing. Thank you for your comments”
  • 0
    I don't get called an idiot for it but they say I'm aggressive.

    Asking questions triggers some ppl.
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