How often do you write code in a raw text editor, without any tools whatsoever (no IDE, no colors, no syntax highlighting,..)? :P

I'm doing that now.

  • 7
    Hmm.. never.
    Even when hijacked to fix something on a server there's usually an editor.
    Usually Nano or VIM.
    The rare windows server more often than not, has notepad++ :)
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    35% of the time when noting down an idea for my language/checking how a feature would be uses.
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    Either when my eyes hurt after a long day or when the file is too large for Vim handle without going crazy. I tell Vim: `:syntax off`, bitch!
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    At this point, I consider the colours an aspect of the language. I struggle to read code without it
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    Does a terminal count as raw text editor?
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    @Oktokolo what? You printing text into a file?
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    Don't judge me...

    I actually did that too - but way more often i type code into a terminal to immediately execute it.
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    Litterally the most basic thing on my system im aware of has syntax highlighting at least. I really would just mess around most likely
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    @Oktokolo Well, no, because that's not its function, lol. Unlessssss, you're talking about a terminal-based text editor.
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    @Tonnoman0909 Not having syntax highlighting or any type of correction whatsoever forces you to remember, recall and apply the language constructs correctly. :P Heck, try coding without line numbers! Even harder.
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    cat >> main.rs

    That’s how I write all my code.
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