How is IDE A skill?

  • 12
    Oh, hr being hr
  • 13
    @hack if you realise that they spell Python wrong...
  • 6
    @johnmelodyme well, hopefully your phyton skills are up to par
  • 8
    @d-fanelli Yeap I better learn PHYTON as I am using PIETHON currently.
  • 9
    Because there's people out there using notepad++ 👀
  • 1
    @C0D4 Rightfully so because that spares an IDE.
  • 2
    Where can i learn this "ide"?
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    The job description reads like they are actually searching for a junior admin who also does some QA...
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    Because of people like this https://youtu.be/X34ZmkeZDos
  • 0
    @C0D4 ah maybe people outhere using vim, or nano
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    You can do stuff the hard, manual and ouchy way, or you know how to use all those tools your IDE has for refactoring, extracting constants, moving parts into own files or other classes etc.
  • 5
    Maybe IDE has a spelling error like python
  • 0
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    Believe me, it's a skill. Try working with someone who doesn't know anything about the tools for IDE's. Not only the people that use Notepad or Python's IDLE, but also people who use IDE's but treat them as regular text editors, ex:
    - looking stuff up manually, file by file, instead of using the search tool. Also using the file explorer instead of the fast-go
    - manually changing the variable name instead of using refactoring tools
    - printing everything instead of using the debugger
    - having a bunch of terminal windows open instead of using the integrated terminal
    - in general, waaayyy to much mouse clicking instead of using the shortcuts to switch tabs, close tabs, select pieces of code, etc etc

    These are all things that I've seen with my own eyes (and sometimes committed in my younger years)
  • 1
    Meh, i feel myself quite the Ninja using vim often. I consider it a skill
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    @rutee07 I'm from Penang. I approve this message. And our food is nice...
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    @rutee07 Nasi lemak, Nasi KANDAR , etc...
  • 2
    @eo2875 you don't need an IDE to do those tasks efficiently though
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    @d-fanelli I just assumed it was some PHP framework I've never heard of.
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    @eo2875 "find in files" is what good editors offer readily. No need for an IDE. Also, you don't need an "integrated terminal" if you don't use an IDE.

    Debugggers are mostly for people who can't read code. These also fall down on their nose when they have to debug something that works on their machine.

    But the worst offence is failing to provide a non-IDE based way to build the release (makefiles, build scripts). I've been bitten by discontinued IDEs already, or ones that were unable to read project files from ten years ago.
  • 3
    IDE "skills" aside.. why would anyone hire a Python dev to maintain Java and .NET applications..?

    Honestly, no disrespect to Python devs, but if you want a Java dev, hire a fucking Java dev.. Seems like a no-brainer to me. 🤔
  • 2
    @eo2875 I agree that knowing a specific IDE is a skill.
    In this case however, it is listed as just "IDE". Which is obviously just a brain fart of a clueless hr person.
  • 1
    The same way MS Office is
  • 1
    some of those molex connectors are a bitch to get in and out of the drives, especially on WD drives...
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    @mundo03 that one's actually understandable, it's a very large bunch of buttons and some features are hidden behind what feels like 6 menus, a retinal scan, enabling macros and a smart card. i get lost in OpenOffice and MSOffice all the time, having to aggressively wait for tooltips to explain whatever the fuck symbol is to find what i'm looking for.
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    @Parzi the same way an IDE is.
    Just to be clear, text editors are not IDEs, vscode is not an IDE, neither are brackets, atom, sublime, etc.
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