
Executives today: trying to patent that we copied from someone else

  • 1
    Should have let them go ahead.
  • 4
    Some companies do Feature A, and others do Feature B, but nobody has thought of putting them together! That's so unique!
  • 4
    Happened to me:

    "We want you to be a contractor for us rather than hired"

    "Mhhh not my fav, but we can do it"

    "We also want you to install [surveillance software] since you work as a contractor for us"

    Not gonna happen

    Execs are greedy af and wish we were all slaves
  • 1
    @piratefox but think of the shareholders! won't anyone think about the poor millionaires that pump millions of dollars in private equity for an eventual hostile takeover?!
  • 1
    @sariel poor shareholders :<
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