Has anyone else noticed when ever a question of what framework to use where React could apply, people have the shittiest reasons for using it.

"React is gud, you should use it. Ima say React a few more times to sell you on it."

"React makes my code better so it's gud."

"React react react react react."

Do your research guys, don't trust this hype-driven bullshit.

  • 15
    Vue is life
  • 7
    +1 for Vue
  • 1
    @data Not the purpose of this Rant and hopefully you have reasons as to why you think that or you are just as bad.
  • 10
    you know what would have made this rant better?

    .. if it was written in react
  • 0
  • 0
    @Letmecode This is what I am saying
  • 5
    Vue all the way... Go Vue!
  • 0
    React gud, React is love, React is life, I don't understand your REACTion.
  • 3
    I like react more then angular 2, and Vue is to minimal for me. Besides I already have a good workflow going with react.
  • 3
    Vue has some seriously awesome documentation!!
  • 3
    The first iteration of my company's application was built in Angular 1, it was riddled with bugs, tests would sometimes pass and sometimes fail at random and took 6 minutes to deploy and was not phone or small tablet friendly. It was built by 4 people over the course of 8 months.

    The second iteration I built by myself in React in 3 months. Very few bugs, and the ones that do exist I know why, 100% code coverage on logical components, and over 80% on presentational components. It uses 1/3 the bandwidth, deploys in less than 20 seconds, and works on mobile and web.

    It's not that React is the one true library or anything it just encourages and enables good coding habits and help me to develop and iterate faster
  • 1
    It's important for us to be able to differentiate between hype and innovation, that's why it's so important to have of mixed age group of developers. Mongo was hype, "Webscale" was hype. Some of the best tools to come out this decade were built by large companies to solve the problems that were revealed as a company grew, Node, Go, Cassandra, GraphQl, React are all examples of those and they aren't hype, they power a significant portion of the content you view everyday
  • 0
    @port22 Depends how you view it, there is a lot of people using it because it was popular.

    Good luck filtering the genuinely researched from the hype.
  • 1
    i usually install all sort of shinny new fuckery on my archlinux, but if I have a project to deliver, i go with what's required by the client, i don't need to hype
  • 0
    @Qchmqs That's fine to me, investigate but dont just use something in production because it's trending.
  • 0
    archlinux isn't for production anyway, i break it three times a day on a busy day
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