
So management wants this:
As soon as a customer reports a bug, management wants to have an "emergency button" to let their inexperienced hands make production fall back to the last stable version, without having to pass through IT and wait for them to fix it. If the server catches a 500 error, this process should be done automatically. All because they don't want to give us more time writing more thorough tests...

  • 2
    I get the 500 auto rollback, that comes in handy if somehow the build breaks despite being tested before.

    But a button to do it on demand by the customer? Wtf could possibly go wrong that would need that, assuming there's a staging / testing environment in the pipeline?
  • 7
    @C0D4 you're telling me the ensuing chaos of something like this does not excite you even a little bit????!
  • 1
    @AleCx04 maybe a few years back, I'm getting to tired to be firefighting constantly these days 😏
  • 0
    @C0D4 not by the customers themselves but by basically anyone in the company (this feature is specifically for the non-devs) who think there's a problem
  • 1
    @C0D4 ppppppppppft I love telling my employees to connect X executive to me just so that I can laugh to their faces, say NO and then tell them to contact my head of department which has less tolerance and tact than me for saying no to people.

    I say no because of technical details. My boss says no because they are being fucking stupid.

    I love this man.
  • 1
    oh, thats what forbes 500 means! XD
  • 0
    @JOAT take if back down yet amother version
  • 2
    This is the most stupid and absolutely wrong idea your management could come up with....... AND I LOVE IT.

    Yes, let them rollback, I can't wait to see everything going on fire 🔥.

    Please, if it's going to be a thing, let us know.
  • 1
    I love it when management decides to blow half their face off with the nuclear options instead of just, you know, letting the professionals handle it.

    I say do it, make sure you document your protest.

    dis guna b goode
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