
My sole purpose of staying in this field is to make a robot that cooks and cleans for me.

Like, everything else sucks rn.

  • 6
    I will buy 3
  • 3
    tell me, that they will come in black and we have a deal.
  • 4
    @rootofskynet not making them in light themes. Will Have one navy-ish blue version and one pink version cuz some ppl I like like pink. And that's it. Might make a matte black one as well just to sell it expensive 😛
  • 3
    Wish I had one that makes fried chicken. Could go for some now
  • 4
    Must look like spider!
  • 2
    @d-fanelli dammit now I’m hungry
  • 3
    Don't add to much AI or you'll end up cooking and cleaning for it.
  • 1
    @Root mmmno. 🤖
  • 4
    I know you dabble in A.I, my sole purpose is to make 2B from Nier Automata a reality. I want a nice booty big tiddy android. But I respect this shit as well.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Wow! Another person on this board who knows what nier automata is! A rare find!
  • 2
    @d-fanelli broooo that game is the bomb, and 2B is my 🤤🤤🤤
  • 1
    @Root you mean multiple arms like general grievous?
  • 0
    Damn I need food for my drunkeness! Sadly there’s no robot to make me macaroni and cheese mixed with bacon bits and olive oil. But at least i won’t get a nasty hangover from eating like a pig while drunk.
  • 0
    my goal is to build skynet but I'm printing Hello, World in HTML rn.
  • 1
    @NoMad one could also pimp the matte black with red décors or even use red (as in bloodwine red) as primary color. I guess our empress @Root would approve.

    @AleCx04 what ever floats your boat, man. you shall have my upvote on this one.

    @manashh I guess we need to talk, huh..?
  • 1
    @d-fanelli Sad robots was too sad for me to finish.
  • 1
    @rootofskynet no. Red is often considered a hostile color, or sexual, and my robots are neither. 😛
  • 0
    @NoMad didn't mean neither of those. I just have a thing for red, that's all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    @NickyBones pink is the best I can offer. 🤖
  • 1
    @rootofskynet I know. Public perception tho.
  • 1
    @NoMad ok, matte black it is then. I'll do the red décors/paint job by myself. kinda adds a personal touch anyways. :)
  • 2
    I can already see the future on Mars.
    Empress @Root chills with bloodwine and creates some fancy ruby things, you @NoMad will build some robots to do stuff, @Lucypher66, myself and some others of our specimen, provision servers and manage network things.

    this should work, eh?
  • 1
    @rootofskynet Bloodwine! I approve.
  • 0
    Will you sell them
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