Starting the process of applying for developer jobs without any computing qualifications (I'm self taught) and I'm convinced that I'll not hear from anyone 😣 any tips from Dev rant to help me find that first job?

  • 3
    Build a portfolio, show your code and your skills.
  • 3
    Good luck and most of all, don't give up.
  • 1
    @g-m-f i have a site I built I can show them! Thanks for the reply! :)
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    @nickpapoutsis good thinking! :) I'll try and get one together so at least they can believe me when I say I can code xD thanks!
  • 3
    So long as you can show you know what you are talking about and have code to back that then you are in a very strong position.

    I have virtually no qualifications but a lot of experience.
  • 5
    Maybe you can also set some github repo as your portfolio
    :) trust me, ppl at hiring department will more likely looking at your portfolio rather than your education background
  • 0
    @nickpapoutsis portfolios don't seem to mean shit in Australia.
  • 1
    Contact smaller companies and startups if possible. They usually are more open to people who want to prove themselves than a safe choice of uni graduates.
    You'd probably be getting paid less, but after 6-12 months, other opportunities will come to you a lot easier.
  • 0
    You can blog about programmation to show your knowledge, and obviously have a decent github account
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