
What is special in the domain with .onion?

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    Dark Web, You can only access it with Tor Browser
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    .onion is accessible via the tor network and is not a public top level domain.

    Similar to the i2p and freenet, in that sense.

    Don't go wondering amongst the pirates unless you know what you're doing.

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    @C0D4 That is some sound advice right there... It's easy to get scammed or even put into legal trouble when one is dabbling in the dark arts...
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    @theabbie Not just dark web.

    Plenty of clean sites that also use it.

    Deep Web =/= Dark Web.
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    @FinlayDaG33k Deep Web is website which is not linked by anyone and can only be accessed by using exact address, similar to unlisted youtube videos, you can't access it without link, Tor websites are Dark web, Dark does not necessarily mean illegal, it's open for everyone but mostly used for illegal stuff.
  • 8
    @theabbie Dark Web is (often) part of the Deep Web, but the Deep Web is not the Dark Web.

    The Dark Web is pretty much *only* for the illegal (or at the very least "sketchy") stuff...

    Onion addresses are *not* Dark Web by default, they are Deep Web.

    It is a *very* common mistake for people to confuse TOR with the Dark Web.
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    @FinlayDaG33k So, Any website used for illegal stuff is dark web? Normal websites can also be used for illegal stuff, it's not properly defined.
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    @theabbie I think you misunderstood me.

    The Dark Web (which is part of the Deep Web) is pretty much only illegal stuff.

    That doesn't mean that websites on the Clear Web can't be used for illegal stuff or that said websites are Dark Web.

    The core definitions of the Dark Web are:

    - It is part of the Deep Web.

    - It contains and/or facilitates trade of illegal matters (such as but not limited to CP, illicit drugs, unregistered and unlicensed firearms, counterfeit FIAT currency etc.).
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    @FinlayDaG33k Deep web are websites whose address is not linked by any Website, so, if I link to a website in deep web, it's no longer deep web, so, deep web is pretty much meaningless,

    What I understood is, Dark web is Hidden from normal web, and, Tor isn't necessarily Dark web, though most of it is dark web.
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    @theabbie Well not exactly.

    Deep Web just means that it isn't *indexed* on common search engines (like Google, DDG and Bing... for those few that use Bing).

    Basically you need to "go deep" and make an effort to search for them in order to get to them.

    But linking on a website isn't making it not deep web, as long as it doesn't get indexed.

    "The Deep Web is the World Wide Web that is inaccessible for search engines".

    As I've said, the Dark Web is part of the Deep Web, but the Deep Web is not directly the Dark Web.
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    @FinlayDaG33k Dark web is intentionally not indexed by search engines as they are illegal, and most probably, they choose to not get indexed, so, they are bound to be deep web,

    So, illegal websites => Dark Web
  • 4
    @theabbie Well, of course they choose not to get indexed...

    If they get indexed, that means they'll be easier for feds to track down... and I wonder what the feds would do at that point?

    *Looks at Silk Road*

    Oh right... that'll happen...

    Seriously, read up on the difference between deep web and dark web, you'll be surprised on how right I am :p
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    Yeah you are wrong again :)
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    @Linux doesn't seem so, Tor websites ARE dark web, people don't seem to understand plain definitions.
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    @theabbie It seems like you are the one that doesn't understand plain definitions :^)

    Like I said, go read up on the difference between "Deep Web" and "Dark Web".

    Here, I'll help you: https://duckduckgo.com//...
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    Is facebook dark web? BBC?
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    @Linux The definition literally says Dark web is hidden using masked IP Addresses, so, if FB or BBC have a .onion site, that is part of the dark web,

    Dark != illegal

    Sometimes it's difficult to admit that you're not right, but you should try.
  • 3
    @FinlayDaG33k Which part did you not understand?

    Dark web = Web that uses masked IP Addresses

    ie. TOR Websites

    None of what I have been saying is wrong,

    Deep web is completely meaningless, so, we won't bring that here, let's only keep to dark web.

    Your link says it's not necessary to be illegal.
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    I cant understand why you still are arguing for stuff that you dont understand.
    It is not the first time.
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    What has masked IP-adresses to do with this?
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    @Linux Then please enlighten me by pointing which of my statement was wrong, I don't think you understand simple definitions, TOR Websites ARE part of dark web, some illegal, most aren't, dark web IS anonymous and need special browser, is that not correct?
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    @Eklavya Deep web is not necessarily only accessible by TOR, they are just not indexed by Search Engine, they can be anything.
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    Conclusion -> Some sites of deep web are accessible by Tor browser(like dark web) and some cannot(like your dreams)
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    - "Dark web = Web that uses masked IP Addresses"

    That is arguably the stupidest thing I have heard this week.

    And believe me, I've been talking to plenty of conspiracy theorists in this past week as well, so that should say something about how stupid that argument is...

    What is a "masked IP address" even?

    Does it mean anything that isn't directly an IP?

    But then our lovely devRant and my website are also dark web?

    - "TOR Websites[/services] ARE part of dark web"

    No, TOR services are part of the deep web.

    They are not indexable by search engines, and as such, deep web.

    Accessing the Dark Web often requires software like TOR and/or I2P, but that doesn't make TOR nor I2P "the Dark Web".
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    @FinlayDaG33k Can you stop mixing deep web in this discussion? You do realise that deep web is simply web not indexed by Search engines, If I disable indexing of my website, it will become deep web too.

    Now, Dark web, which is vast, TOR is one part of it, only accessible by TOR browser,

    and the statement, "TOR is part of dark web, and all TOR websites are called dark web" is true, do some research before making a statement.

    If wrong, share a resource where it says "All TOR websites are not a part of the dark web",

    you clearly don't fully understand this, but can't accept that.
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    @theabbie Why would I stop mentioning the deep web when it's literally crucial information?

    Just the sheer fact that you don't realize that already tells me enough that you have no clue what you're talking about :^)

    I already stated a literal goldmine of sources that back me a little while ago.

    Also, your criteria "All TOR websites are not part of the dark web" is a bodged criteria (again, going to show you have no clue what you are even saying).

    Why you ask?

    Because if I found a source that "all TOR sites are not part of the Dark Web", I'd contradict myself (since I said that between all the "normal" TOR services, there are also services that are categorized to be "Dark Web").

    However, if I do not find source, you'll say "you just can't prove it because I'm right!1!1!".

    If you can't even understand something that fundamental, I sincerely doubt you'll be able to ever understand that TOR is not the Dark Web by definition.
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    @FinlayDaG33k What definition are you talking about, the one you made up based on your half knowledge, or the DDG link you posted, I don't realise why I am arguing with an egoistic fool, Deep web has nothing to do with the technical aspects of TOR, It is considered Dark Web because it's anonymous and thus safe for illegal activities. So, all .onion websites are automatically Dark Web, not because it's illegal, but because it's anonymous, It is deep web, yes, but that's also irrelevant.
  • 3
    @theabbie Ah aye, the definition I madeth up bas'd on mine own half-knowledge.

    How no more brain than stone of me to followeth the gen'ral consensus.

    How egotistical and foolish of me to followeth the consensus of hundreds if 't be true not thousands of people I has't hath met yond hadst a big amount of knowledge on these things instead of following what one by fate king of knowledge on the int'rnet sayeth!

    I'm s'rry mine own l'rd, I shalt starteth reconsid'ring ev'rything I has't learn'd bas'd on thyne wisdoms!
  • 2
    @FinlayDaG33k Calm down, We are not enemies, both of us think we are right, and we both are partially right, we are only arguing on terms which are not properly defined, so, no one can be blamed, Dark web is stupid, it's just a part of the web with different protocols.

    CONCLUSION: Both of us are partially correct.
  • 4
    🤦‍♂️I see you two still arguing over this.


    Deep Web:

    The content of the deep web is hidden behind HTTP forms, and includes many very common uses such as web mail, online banking, private or otherwise restricted access social-media pages and profiles, some web forums that require registration for viewing content, and services that users must pay for, and which are protected by paywalls, such as video on demand and some online magazines and newspapers.
    The content of the deep web can be located and accessed by a direct URL or IP address, but may require a password or other security access to get past public-website pages.


    Dark Web:

    Through the dark web, private computer networks can communicate and conduct business anonymously without divulging identifying information, such as a user's location.

    The dark web forms a small part of the deep web, the part of the Web not indexed by web search engines, although sometimes the term deep web is mistakenly used to refer specifically to the dark web.


    That's all folks!
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    @C0D4 How dare you. I was enjoying that drama.
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    @theabbie as usual, you understand absolutely nothing.
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    @100110111 I was expecting you, you just pop out of nowhere
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    You guys are all wrong. .onion is actually for recipes that only involve onions. Other sites have snuck on there over the years, but that was, and always will be its primary purpose.

    Recipes involving shallots are often allowed too.
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    @AlmondSauce you'd think we would have a .shallots tld for that, it's quite confusing when you want a brown onion recipe and end up with a shallot one 😔
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    @C0D4 Yeah I've made that mistake a few times, but I guess it's a legacy thing.
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    It's the tor onion network , to host it , slide some onion and inject into your server and fry for 25 minutes. After this you should have a complete for server.
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