
OneNote is just a big pile of shit.
I‘ve been trying for three hours now to share a Notebook (OneNote Desktop to OneNote Desktop).
It just does not work. It used to work. Microsoft broke sharing.

If the other person invites me via Mail or even MS-Account I neither get Notificiations nor an E-Mail with a link nor am I able to select the Notebook somewhere. It‘s. Just. Useless.
OneDrive also sucks.

Microsoft tries to offer solutions for everything and nothing is finished and fully functional. It sucks. People using OneDrive suck. I just want to do my work.

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    Nope. But I need some Notes from another person who uses a separate Notebook inside OneDrive on iPad/Mac.

    Did you know that MS did not even implement an export-feature in the iPad App (like print to pdf)?
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