
If you would have to stick with one language for your entire life which language would it be?

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    Can't choose between (don't hate me 😫) PHP or JavaScript 😥
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    @linuxxx I don't hate you.

    I'm just not talking to you again xD

    I'd say either C#.NET or Ruby (just as bad as yours though...)
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    @RhysOC Fair enough xD
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    C++ alone dosent do much, am I allowed to use libraries if not the javascript
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    Logo. They should revamp this language. Make it OOP.
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    Well, since C# does not run in the browser I have to go with javascript.

    Otherwise it would be C#.
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    Visual basic .net
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    I know this isn't the intention of OP but my answer is English. If I had to learn programming in a different language I would have probably would have struggled a lot. Imagine coming from an English speaking language and then trying to program in languages containing symbols and accents.

    But the other way is probably also true, many non-english speaking programmers exist and have had to learn English just to learn how many of the existing libraries worked. Kudos to you.
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    @Letmecode by your logic I'll chose jruby , and get two cool languages
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