This week's huge fuck you goes to... Drumroll please...

You earned this prize for your stupid auto-sleep if there is no interaction for x minutes!

I don't want to install your crap software on my system, so i am forced to alt tab every 15 minutes just to press space and then delete, because God forbids i am being productive on my freaking IDE, second computer, test device and/or meeting!
Also lovely how phone notifications are not sent on mobile unless you are on sleep mode... How could I ever ask for urgent notifications if i take a small break? Oh, right! I should go to sleep mode, so people will think i didn't touch your shitware for 30 mins every fucking time i go to the toilet! :D

Please get your prize whenever possible!

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    Best thing is how I am getting spammed with every single message in the notifications after I turn on Wifi on my phone after a day of work.

    About the toilet thing. Just use something that automatically sends notifications from your desktop to your phone while shitting. KDE Connect for example if you are on Linux.
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    @SiinaCutie Jesus, so far I've managed to keep us using Hangouts. Now I will outright refuse to use Zoom for work. That's really quite dystopian.
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    I've really started to hate Slack. Tired of having loads of different work stuff in different places? Well, now you've got loads of different work stuff in one place! Tired of conversations getting lost in your inbox? Well, now they can get lost in a dedicated channel!

    It was a good idea, but like so many crusades, it became the very thing it set out to destroy
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    @SiinaCutie Jesus that is awful
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    @MM83 tired of pointless notifications? Well, let me drop a @here even tho this is the team channel and i just want to ask something to the be developer!
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    @MM83 @SiinaCutie @lamka02sk

    User @piratefox requested to mention everyone in this comment section. He/She probably has something important to tell...
    Look above!
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    Oh... Ops, didn't know we also had here 😅
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    @lamka02sk do you know some alternatives for kde connect?
    I find myself with an iphone due to the fact i needed an apple test device and... Well, if i have to buy an expansive phone i may as well use it! And as far as i have seen kde connect doesn't support ios (or vice versa, really)
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    @piratefox Sorry, I am not using iOS so I don't know any alternatives really.
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    @JustThat oh really? Pretty sure there are services to make you look online 24/7 :D
    Or that i can write a script to make me look online or even just have a machine jiggle my mouse and press a couple of keys.
    Guess a person using such methods is more productive than me cause being on your fucking ide is waaaaay less productive than having a script which does nothing and makes you look online!

    What Slack does is just fucking up with people who are actually doing stuff in the ways i previously quoted.
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    @JustThat @MM83 @SiinaCutie @lamka02sk

    User @piratefox requested to mention everyone in this comment section. He/She probably has something important to tell...
    Look above!
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    @SiinaCutie Never used zoom, but how about trying to use it in a VM. If your pc is a bit beefy, it should work without hassle.

    - Potentially crackling audio
    - Can only screenshare stuff inside the vm. And it'll be a crap show
    - Video feeds might lag or have tearing
    - Generally a bit more latency

    - Zoom won't know when you tab out, since for windows that window is still focused

    Or maybe there is some windows tool that can trick zoom into thinking it's focused. Not sure, haven't used windows seriously in a long time.
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