
Fuck C!
It sucks so badly!
Our College Teachers are Teaching this to us in the first year.

I know many of you will disagree with this.
But I like Python as I am digging into ML/AI and for this domain Python is powerful. I am trying to practice in C language but still, it sucks badly as sometimes I can't even figure out what is the error even after debugging or looking on StackOverflow. Anyways this is a good programming language because of Low TLE and versatility.

Anyways this was my thought. No offense.

This is Devrant so I Typed my frustration.

  • 5
    Tbh debugging C is the easiest experience I ever had. Imagine having a print statment just printing "List@a75c3b" lol
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    Incoming @Fast-Nop in 3...2...1...
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    C is my favorite programming language and I agree with you. Teaching C in the first year is an immature decision from your teacher. Python, Ruby, or JavaScript are more appropriate choices here.
  • 4
    C is not the easiest language to learn and it has many quirks and missing features. But it is well designed (especially for the time).
    If you need to go low-level C (C++) is a great option. But I haven't tried Rust yet, does anybody have experience with it (in an embedded system)?
  • 12
    C is useful where Python would be too slow - but if you can do your stuff with Python, then all the manual stuff in C won't offer you real benefits.

    It's even possible to use Python and only do the heavy lifting in C under the hood, then interface that from Python. Numpy is such an example. As library user, you get both the ease of use of Python and the speed of C.
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    C is one of those languages which is finding it difficult with new developers because of all the new languages that find their use in day to day work today. Web Development, App Development, Cloud serivices, AI and ML, all these are popular and people see Kotlin, Ruby, Rust, Node.js, Java, Swift, all are popular and resonate with new developers. Even though they might not like then initially, they still have patience to learn them. Plus, they see the results of their work finding a use case in the day to day work pleasing and satisfying. It gives a sense of usefulness.

    With C, this is not the case unless you are into compiler and kernels and device drivers. Those arent popular these days. Only a few really enthusiastic and experienced people are working in that domain.

    I remember learning C back in 2003 and Python wasnt popular at that time. Python was always there, but it was considered to be useful for scientific use cases. Python got traction with recent AI and ML libraries.
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    C is like grand daddy of all programming language. It is now allowing all the new langauges to prosper and show their capabilities, and seeing and cherishing their success since it influenced all these new languages in its own ways.
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    Maybe you're just not good enough for C? 🤔
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    @Scade I would argue that C is easy to learn, unless you were spoiled by all high level stuff from Python and/or JavaScript. C is the most primitive modern language that is still widely used.
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    The only reason I don't personally like is the syntax of C/C++...

    But debugging is pretty good, the programs are often fast as fucc and it allows you to take full control.

    Just because you don't like it or are too stoopid to understand it, doesn't mean it's bad.
  • 4
    Not sure how many would agree. But I think learning C as a language in college or university is absolutely a good choice. It's much easier to learn C and the basics of hardware and computers together with it and then move up to simpler sugar coated languages afterwards than it is to get comfy with a sugar coated bloated language and then try to fit your high level abstraction knowledge to understand C

    having formal education in C can give you an insight into computers like no other (apart from Assembly).

    in Uni we built a full on https server using C from scratch and I learned so much about http, protocols, sockets, encryption, signing, memory management, security... it was awesome
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    @nitwhiz Very readable
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    Not sure how else you will appreciate other programming Languages like Python is you don't try C.
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    @Zer0day Very unreadable
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    I mean, if you think there's only one language that's the be all and end all, you're a shitty programmer. C's a different language with different advantages to python.

    But if you're using python, you're probably using C, coz oh hey look, cython.
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    @Scade I've been working full time in Rust embedded for over a year now. It's been a godsend.

    I don't want to go back! And if I have to it will be with kicking and screaming and a whole lot more debugging than I have to now.
  • 3
    Most people will disagree with me but i think learning Python first for a professional carrier is a bad idea.

    Python is for end users to solve problems, you as a student should understand how computers work first. C is a much better choice, assembly on a Microcontroller with a simple architekture is probably the best to learn first.

    Don't get me wrong, Python is great and useful, i also use it a lot. It is also good language to learn for people that are far from CS, like mathematicians and businessmans. But you don't learn anything about CS.
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    @Hazarth In all honesty, A lot of devs have been so spoiled by high-level languages that they just throw a bunch of junk around and "hey, it works" without considering optimization.

    Some of my of my colleagues back when I was still employed managed to build small websites that would eat over 20MB *per request*

    I showed them some better design patterns and how to optimize certain things and more often than not got those sites under 2MB and often a lot faster as well (due to wasting less cycles on garbage collecting n such).

    By learning about how memory works, how a garbage collector works and how branching works on even a fundamental level (like just being aware of the concepts) you can create significantly more optimized code without much effort...

    I honestly think development educations should teach you this as well...
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    Are you from india as well? As i was taught c as my first language as well. I really liked it but i can see where you are coming from.
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    In my university they even used borlands compiler or something which was hardest thing to debug on this planet.
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    No offense tho.... If you think C is sucks , python will be sucks too.because practically most language comes from C. Python is nice .

    Usually people who say C is sucks and python is best are those people who don't go deep in programming yet. Python is just like a programming language which import libraries and shortened the code for easy usage. In my case use python for hardware once. It takes one update to ruin the code. So it depending on what you do. And real programmers don't hate programming languages but learn or know as much as possible.

    I'm a mobile app dev, but learn C as a beginner (without college) , I almost give on being a programmer back then because of the pointers in C , but if you passionate enough, you would thanks C for that , for certain things.
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    @r20408e122449d newbies.
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    @atheist exactly. Imagine without C today we might using binary to code...🤣🤣🤣
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    @johnmelodyme c is a strong language and having a grasp over it is beneficial in some regard but saying that you are " a real programmer" only when you know C is a little too extreme.

    If you use python as your language, get paid for it. Know your way around then you are a developer. Coming from someone who liked c as a language and doesnt use python as professional language.
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    @techno848 I didn't mean that only those who know C are real programmers, I really mean something else which it is compulsory to learn C for a programmer. I
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    @johnmelodyme eeeh, Fortran, algol, Lisp all predate c by a decade or so
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    @johnmelodyme if something is compulsory for a job would you say that if you dont have it you cant do the job ?
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    @johnmelodyme what is so hard in pointers?
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    @rantsauce Not really, they have to tell kids about the data structures, in JS everything is an object and nothing has a defined type. My friends were thought Pascal (I learnt Java some years before) because of this, it's horrible, yes, but now they understand exactly how the thing works, and there's no magic like implicit typecasting or silent errors that just return null or 0.
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    Great rant considering there are more popular language available out there in the real world.

    As of myself, I was also learned C in my college's time. It is a great language. It was a good time.

    Don't be stressed on the language. Learn the concept as much as you can. There are much to learn even when you are out to the real world.

    If really wanted to learn other languages, learn on your own time. Make it as a hobby.

    That is why we are programmer. We kept learning our craft. Keep improving.

    I am sure you can make a lot of interesting things using C. 😉
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    @r20408e122449d I am a student sir -_- Still learning a lot of things which you all already know
  • 1
    One Day I will Prosper in this language.... surely! Thank you all :D
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