
What is your first memory of programming?

I remember quite vividly writing C# in a notebook at church to pass the time. I did actually use some of that code if I am remembering correctly.

  • 7
    Getting heavily angry at how shitty Vista was compared to XP and wanting to know who was to blame, ah, software engineers, ok lets see what this means.

    Und down the rabbit hole
  • 4
    Can Jesus C#?
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    I made a Hello World program in QBASIC. Good times. I learned more and eventually wrote a Space Invaders clone. Code's long gone now though.
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    The first time i actually touched something like a scripting language was, when i tried to desintegrate the Win95 installation on my parents PC after i found the command line. My first real experience with a programming language was C, and my first successful one was GML (which is actually just some kind of scripting language for a Game Making Toolkit). After then returning back to C the Party has started :D
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    Trying to script some event in Adventure Game Studio
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    Reading the Commodore C64 manual front-to-back under the covers with a flashlight at night, then coding a shitty roguelike with sprites and soldering cartridges during the weekend.
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    @Cyanide He can See plus plus...
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    @EmberQuill qbasic was my first programming language too! Never got that advanced though.
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    I found QBASIC on my parent's computer. I made a "password" check program.
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    Game Maker Language
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    basic :)
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    Whatever basic the ts1000 used back when computers were for nerds and we used casettes for more than just rock n roll
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    My first program was an AI written in Basic.

    Well, it was more of an "Expert Program" - a chatbot where I programmed the answer to many questions with IFs.. still counts! (I was 11 yo) :D
  • 0
    Writing my first website in 1997 on geocities.

    Yeah I know, HTML isn't a language. It got me started on the path I'm on today.

    Besides, that spiraled into some crazy times with a red box and war dialing some regional numbers.

    I stopped once I realized I had found some local "high level" targets that could have put me in prison.
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