
Emojis can make messages playful, fun, exciting.
Your documentation and commit logs should be none of this.
Keep your emojis the fuck out of them.

  • 10
    They are not there for the fun. They are there for categorization, not just textual, but also visually in order to increase performance and decrease error rates.

    Now get back to work before I fire you.
  • 5
    @petergriffin At least [Fix], [Feat], [Chore], etc are easily searchable. If someone cannot differentiate these visually of they are placed in a single column, emojis won't help them either. And in documentation they absolutely make no sense at all.
  • 2
    Sadly, you're right :(
  • 5
    I do not want to believe this but I do
  • 6
    Well if people notice there are cringe emojis in your doc and tell you about it, it means someone read it.

    If you do not hear about it by anybody, either everyone enjoys it or nobody actually reads the docs...
  • 6
    git commit -m "🤡 Make this package great again 🤡"
  • 1
    I have never "luckily" seen an emoji commit message in a work environment... But if I did it would kinda throw me off... :(
  • 2
    public class 📕
    public void ✏️ (string 📑)
  • 0
    @kwilliams might be fun using though.

    string 📑 = "Ten thousand ways to die";
    new 📕().✏️(📑);
  • 0
    Maybe they are added as a cry for help
  • 0
    You can write C++ in hieroglyphics..
  • 1
    I have never used emojis in real work commits, but I wanna.

    Who said this shouldn't be playful/fun?
  • 0
    @nanobot Work should definitely be fun. But personally I think the fun comes from interesting tasks, friendly collegues, a good company culture, and easy to use documentation; not pseudo-engaging emojis.
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