
What office shenanigans do you guys do?

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    I like this idea
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    Change each other's wallpapers to really crude things when they don't lock their computer.
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    i put a script on one of my colleagues computers so that everytime he clicked on the start button it restarted his computer... and then using AutoHotKey i reassigned quite a few letters of his keyboard lol
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    @RampantShadow what did you use? A batch file?
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    @reddogcct which for? the Start button restart? no i created an autoit script that recognised when the start menu was showing and polled it every 2 seconds.
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    @RampantShadow that's useful. I never got into autoit because the language looked weird. Seems pretty versatile
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    @tisaconundrum incredibly actually, far more than i was expecting it to be.
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