My week is up with Linux , im back on windows I tried about 10 variations 🙄

Best I could get was manjaro with KDE

It was pretty close to what I was looking for but I still have to install some of the programs I need using command line 🙄 how do they not have installers for them yet ... Crazy maybe they do.

I need a virtual machine which is fine I can still use my graphics so it's fast! Play games etc

But it crashed and died.

Not only that but every version of Linux.. it felt 🤔 shitty like the mouse was bolted tight to the screen and only heavy movement would do anything . Yes I have high mouse sensitivity (very high) but it feels sooooo rigid

Here's the thing I like what Linux is trying to do... It's just horrifically executed the learning curve to extreme and there is no central this is how you do it. With good reason yes but if you give someone to many choices they can't decide and give up and I think that's the only reason Linux isn't winning . It's to complicated.

Android is the only Linux OS I love manjaro did well .

But android is simple effective and does what it's meant to without any help

All other Linux os' are .. developerised as in only a developer really truly stand a chance to grasp it no normal folk out in the world.

People say Linux doesn't have long left to go... To me it seems like they are still miles off no closer then 5 years ago.

That was my experience at least ...

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    I agree with @Artemix, the thing of the mouse must be a bug, and what you said about Linux, that it is difficult to use, only if you choose a desktop environment like openbox, i3wm or similars, desktop environments like KDE or gnome are really intuitive, and that you have to install a lot of programs through command line... apricityOS comes with all the basic programs a PC needs, it already comes with pamac to install packages, but you should try to install everything through command line, once you get used to it is much faster.
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    @Artemix I tried them, I didn't know where anything was I tried to create a windows 10 freelance but xfce was quite frankly shit user friendlyness was horrific
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    @Linusero I don't use basic programs.. that's the issue
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    @Artemix I should mention the mouse thing isn't huge I over stare how bad it is. It's a minute difference in how windows feels and Linux like a kind of smoothing for the mouse isn't there
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    @libcmg it does look good 🤔
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    @Haxk20 it's difficult mate loads of people try to say use this or this it's still hours of setup windows 10 for me.. is an hour .

    Everytime as well I try to get an answer from Linux guys they answer like this

    Oh no you shouldn't be doing that. You should use this

    Here's the thing I know what in asking but that's literally what I get 99% of the time your doing it wrong here's how isn't ... Useful

    I do appreciate the effort though im a programmer and I want something I can mess around with
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    @JerreMuesli I don't have time exactly that !
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