Recruiter: “can you write your own framework?”

Me, after considering for a good minute: “well, I am kinda starting to automate lots of things so I guess if I wanted I may be able to... for sure I’d learn a lot along the way...”

Recruiter: “very good!”

Me:”wait, why would you want that skill?”

Recruiter: “our customers want custom code”

Me:”so you write a new framework every time?”

Recruiter: “ah you have also experience in [x]!”

Some people scare me 😟

  • 15
    Red flag!

  • 2
    lol about as much as a red flag as the same people's old porn webcams being up to launder money
  • 0
    wherein once it was live, now it is repeated. :P to cover up what they were really selling and what these weird ass bastards are now selling.
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  • 4
    Probably doesn’t even know what they’re saying.
  • 1
    All these recruiter stories I see make me think that if an engineer got into that career they'd make a killing and put the normal recruiters out of business.
  • 0
    @ars1 bc your IQ isn’t borderline retarded (aka can finish high school with struggle and mentoring and MAYBE some community college but the major has to be something simple like communications or journalism) and I’m sure it’s above average. I’ve had some really great recruiters but they were rare peacocks
  • 1
    Happens everytime
  • 0
    @Root Most recruiters waste my damn time, they DONT read my resume, and when they do they DONT realize umm maybe someone who never worked with embedded C ++ professionally or personally won’t be a good fit for such position in North Dakota when I live in New York for fucks sake!! You STUPID STUPID BRAINLESS FUCKING RETARD! STOP CALLING ME ON WEEKENDS! EMAIL! E FUCKING MAIL! AND they think duur I see u have experience with mysql but we need experience with MSSQL! Sigh no one with development experience would ever want to become a recruiter, it’s mindless and pays a lot less. But these assholes are qualified to judge my skills even though they’ve never coded and would suck badly at the simplest coding task. I don’t have professional experience in hippie frameworks like react but damn is react easy as hell when I learned it personally. I went as far as redux and that’s easy too
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    @TeachMeCode It's easier to try everyone and hope someone accepts than to specifically single out perfect matches and actually do research. There is little to no repercussions for having people decline. So recruiters just exploit the system. Obviously that's not good morally, but I can see why people that just care about their pay act like they act.
  • 1
    Recruiter: *nervously googling "framework"*
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