So they bought this domain.....

  • 6
    Love it.

    That reminds me, I really want some fancy "sentence URL". Something like "im.breaking.my.computer" (not that I'd need another domain, but you know how it is)
  • 0

    And they shoved a premium on it 😆
  • 0
    I don't get how "sending requests through carefully chosen routes designed to avoid internet traffic jam" can make for a more private internet?

    I should probably read more about it but cba
  • 2
    I've misread this as "makes your Internet suffer" 😆
  • 0
    That can’t be real lol
  • 7
    @bananaerror It's cloudfare. It's safer because only they, their business partners and US (and probably other) intelligence agencies will know what you have visited.
  • 1
    @homo-lorens lol okay then
  • 1
    @homo-lorens and all the five eyes Alliance. But if they're interested in what you're reading or posting online, you're probably like an international terrorist anyway! LoL.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack That was exact the misconception that Snowden revealed. They are hoarding data about as many people as they physically can, not just a manually selected few.
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