
I hate it when I click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email (which is in fact hidden by making the text color slightly darker/lighter than the background of the email ) and it takes me to some freaking website where I have to like summon a demon and sacrifice a virgin to unsubscribe from their emailing list and they send me another email saying I have successfully unsubscribe and if I want to resubscribe again and with you guest it another unsubscribe button at the end of that email .....

  • 5
    If it doesn't work, just mark it as spam or just mark it as spam instead of unsubscribing.

    My spam mailbox is filled with newsletters and updates that I never wanted but too lazy to unsubscribe
  • 1
    And they don't remove your info anyhow they just give it a grace period then send shit again. I got rid of one by threatening to "blacklist" their domain, and something about finding them...
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    ... crap... Github Notifications is one of them
  • 1
    I hate filling my spam box as I do happen to have few email that I need but they end up there anyway. Who for some unknown reason can't be caught by gmail filters and sent to another folder even with million click on the this is not spam button.

    Tried something similar and worked for a while. The best thing I found to help me the most about those spam subscriptions is https://unroll.me/

    So every once in a while I would use them to remove subscriptions and it works for a few months :)
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    While we are still on the subject, has anyone here ever successfully unsubscribed from Odoo mailing lists?
  • 1
    Judging by the message, I'm lucky enough to say I have not heard of it.
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