Working 160 hours of overtime in one month in order to help out our biggest client, and getting told only afterwards that company policy limits overtime compensation to 40 hours a month... My boss saw how much effort I was putting in, and could have warned me, but no...

  • 5
    Welcome to devRant! Can it be applied to the next few months. They should help you on this one. Otherwise it is a sign of things to come
  • 45
    @Jumpshot44 Oh I handed in my notice then and there, and my boss was like "nooooo! don't leave, we NEED you!" so I said "fine, pay me my overtime." he said "my hands are tied..." I said "kthxbye".
  • 20
    @g-m-f no way were they going to pay, so I left. It was my very first job, so I'm glad I learned that lesson early on! ☺
  • 2
    Tough lesson to learn. But well handled and good for you!
  • 2
    I know it may sound a bit harsh but.. RTFM.
  • 2
    Same happened with my first "job", paid me half, morons didn't have the rest. Did I tell you that they are starting a SaaS startup without a developer.
    I hate fucking jobs.
  • 3
    @veshsare yeah, definitely. In my excuse I'll say I was 21 and still under the impression that paperwork happens to Other People...
  • 0
    @curlmudgeon I'm not justifying your boss. (Asshole)
  • 1
    Next time maybe try asking for time in leu instead of the pay?

    Honestly though, I don't think you should work somewhere that expects you to do so much overtime. Not good for you.
  • 7
    @chrisrhymes Well, I did but they said that compensation whether in money or in lieu, was capped at 40 hours. Oh, I got my revenge: that company no longer exists. Muahaha.
  • 0
    Ok course not. It's your fault for over trying in a company which is not yours.
  • 0
    @kshitij hey, Steve is not to blame for that
  • 0
    @jAsE are you serious? Or are you Harry ?
  • 0
    are you allowed to destroy the code you wrote not included in the first 40 hour over time?
  • 3
    @zedchoo I liked the client, so I let them have it. That got me a summer job at the client, it was awesome (CERN)
  • 0
    @curlmudgeon lol damn right congrats. shame on your ex-employee.
  • 0
    Is this even legal?
  • 0
    @ultrono apparently yes, in Switzerland...
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