Facebook messenger is for kids, real men use IRC clients.

  • 0
    What's IRC?
  • 4
    IRC is love, IRC is life
  • 2
    Reminds me of something....
  • 0
    IRC is one of those‌ neighborhood alleys where all the interesting kids hang out. Or one of those university grounds/lakes/corners where crazy stuff happens.
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    @anuditverma where do you talk? What's your nick? Maybe I'll look you up! 😬
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    @rodrigortz I am sometimes active in many of the Open Source orgs, #civicrm is the one for instance. Last year I setup-ed my own channel #ggsipu, it's my university's channel for clubs related discussions. Where do you hangout ? My nick is anuditverma.
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    @anuditverma I mostly hangout in the Freenode channels...#sql, #vb.net and such...my nick is rodrigortz
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    @dikiaap you have to have a team for Slack right? No public channels? I love Gitter also...
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