Q: What's the relation between Java and Javascript?

Ans: What's the relation between Car and Carpet?!

  • 1
    They both lay on the ground.
  • 1
    I get so many "saw your resume" Java offers ... I don't have anything to do with Java...
  • 3
    Javascript is a marketing term that was going to be used to market Javascript as a scripting language to supplement Java. The name caught on and everyone calls any ECMA script engine Javascript.
  • 1
    one is a brand of coffee, the other netscape
  • 0
    @N00bPancakes i changes my linked in to only contain ECMA script these days, and now only the genuine javascript job get through .. and if i am missing out on some of these, then so be it, just means the recruiter doesn't know what he is doing
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