
It's 28°C and the fucking (2015)macbook's metal body is running at atleast 70, burning my legs and making the inside temperature even worse ..

And Im only running Idea and Chrome...

Why have you designed a hellish tool like this instead of a normal laptop? What good is it to me that It's so slim and mobile if I have to have it on a table to avoid having 2nd degree burns on a daily basis?!

Seriously, what the fuck... I didn't ask for this shit, but my company requires me to use this "secure" laptop... Fuck everyone that was involved in this laptops design!!!

  • 11
    “Only running Idea and Chrome”
  • 3
    Yooo my mac’s burning too today. The fuck’s happening with macs?
  • 2
    Apple tried to make silent laptops and thought their so-called "reality distortion field" would not only fuck people, but also physics.

    Didn't work, Apple surrendered on this front, and made the new Macbook Air M1 while considering physics.
  • 2
    I frequently get mine up to 80-93. It’s nice in the winter, I just let it run in my office and I don’t have to turn the furnace on.
  • 0
    This is what happens when a company tries to make a product “powerful”, “quiet” and “thin”.

    Pick 2 Apple.
  • 0
    Chest nuts roasting by an open fire.

    Or mac.
  • 0
    Use Macs [sic] Fan Control to run the fans at max speed. Bonus points if you run them ABOVE max speed like I do.
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