So you wanna be software engineer at Google?🌝

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    I’ve ranted about it several times, at least in comments.

    But to summarize: The company is evil. Their politics are destructive, their management corrupt, their tracking and censorship pervasive, their culture an echo chamber, their groupthink cultish, and as a whole they’re vindictive. If you don’t drink the koolaid, if you speak out against them, if you don’t fit their views: you’re ostracized and vilified. And if you’re fired / coerced to leave Google, you have difficulty finding work elsewhere. (And if you do, Google has held that against the new employer before.)

    They’re the antithesis of a good company and a good employer.
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    I don't know what that pic means.
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    I didn’t understand the meme. Can you explain it?
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    @N00bPancakes Youtube target 🎯 this ad aggressively in Codiing nich if you watched any Codiing realated stuff online Youtube start pushing this ad


    (* this ad girl is famous also Algo expect.io)
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    Adverts on YouTube? What's that?
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    Either nobody knows her or everbody gives her shit.

    I can say: She looks pretty.
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    Before Google pulled its summer of code stripper lap dance scandal off its news feed I wanted to work at Google lol before it became magically fag licious
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    @kamen Advertisement
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    @nitwhiz Boolean: true 😂
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    Not this again....
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    @Root not just Google I think ... I think the FAANG all are.
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    @johnmelodyme Most of them, absolutely. Google has been this way for longer than the rest, and it’s still the biggest name so it makes the best example — and I’m pretty certain it’s still the worst. Though lately I’m beginning to wonder about Netflix…
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    Imagine this in the future! Hello I’m your friendly health guide, Dr Google! Hmm let’s read your health report ...you seem to be lacking fiber in your diet. (this is from collecting data from your poop gas lol)!
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    Another drunken bathroom joke from yours truly d-fanelli lol. Everyone stink shits lol
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    I heard that some people say their courses and shit are good, but the prices are too high. The price for all the courses and all the goods of AlgoExpert is 99 dollars for 1 year. SystemExpert is 79. And MLExpert (this is a new one) is 99.
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