
Looking for a C# programmer for our game. I was currently using Java but decided to move on to C#. No pay currently but I'm currently at another video game company to make up the funds for you and the project. We are a team of three. I do have a game doc and some assets.

Currently using unity.

  • 2
    Use the collab feature please
  • 2
    Use the collabs feature, this isn't the place for this
  • 4
    Sorry I'm new here. Trying not to offended anyone.
  • 3
    Thanks for the headsup.
  • 0
    Collab feature is not free ! It's either paid or for certain points :/ and collab feature is a section to get all collabs at one place and to get highlighted ! It doesn't mean you can't post as normal ! Stop acting like SO ppl :/
  • 1
    @Vikram it's literally where and what it's made for.... don't like people explaining the rules? I can lead you to the logout button.
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD Exactly. It's a paid feature for a reason: to pay for the rest of the app. If you want to use the app to find collaborators, you have to pay.
  • 4
    Again I think everyone for informing me earlier. It was my bad I over looked that feature. Annnnd now I know better.
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD better mind your words ! Instead of encouraging someone who posted for some project collab you start behaving like a traffic cop ! So better be in good mind before you choose your words
  • -1
    @Vikram pretty sure it's a free Internet mate. I'll do what I like, you can do what you like. Unlike you though, I'll follow the rules and not bitch about it :)
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    @ScribeOfGoD good for you mate !
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    What is happening here? Haha
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    @Todday haven't a clue lol
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    3/4 (2.5D) RTS game playing as monsters more like good guys. A little vague but I try to be mindful on what I say because it is liable to change.

    I'll have to wait to sign up for the collaboration on my next pay check but I would love to get it off the ground as a non professional game and then soon maybe a indie game.
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    We already have stuff I just need to change to C# and I want to try and focus on the art and level design of the project. Hoping to get an extra hand.
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    @Todday curious as to why you started out in Java though. I'm heavily invested in the Java world and even I wouldn't choose it for game development.

    Given the spirit of the thread so far I just want to clarify that I'm not condescending or boasting, I'm really just curious.
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    @kshep92 I used Java at the time because I was taking a class with a friend of mines that went over Java. To some degree I thought why not but of course as fool I continue to work on it through java.

    I didn't know C# was best thing to use for what I was doing until after I graduated and then landed and job at NetherRealm Studio. As stated before I could try to learn C#, but they would put production on hold due to the conflict with work.
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    @kshep92 haha the one thing I don't want to promote is laziness but at this point I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. It's not like I'm paying someone to do all the work on a game while we type up game documents and level design docs. (We're not savages lol)
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD I'm pretty sure there is not a rule that you have to use collabs. It's just a better way to do it and you get more exposure. Right @dfox ?
  • 3
    Yeah, stuff like this definitely belongs under collabs now.
  • 0
    Cheers @dfox 😂
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