What is your "WTF" commit message you see in your project?

For my case my Junior wrote this "Hey, Senior can I f** your girl for one night?" which lately he got fired as I showed that to my Manager.

  • 8
    That seems like a Will She Fuck message rather than WTF.
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    But did he fuck your girlfriend?
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    i show to my gf and she reported police
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    @johnmelodyme Is that against the law where you live?
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    @Demolishun super serious
  • 10
    @theabbie hmmm... debatable.
    He got fucked by OP, OP's gf, police and company tho lol

    Jokes aside, it makes one wonder what made him commit such a stupid message.
  • 9
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- well he is the dude who start masturbating in front of camera after one of our senior called him to fuck himself.
  • 4
    @johnmelodyme wtf?!!!😂😂😂

    How did he even get through the interview? I mean I know that the HR people are retarded, but what about the rest?
  • 6
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- I don't know why would anyone commit message like this , I assume he don't know how Git works.

    For each PR me and other senior will receive an email with the commit message, I saw this wtf commit at 4am , like wtf bro?
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    Sounds like major mental issues. Hope he doesn't start stalking you. You may have dodged a bullet getting him fired.
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    @johnmelodyme oh my God.
    That sounds like hell
  • 1
    @Demolishun I hope not , that's creepy
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- no worries as long as my country open border I think I might migrate back to my hometown , if that's allowed.
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    @johnmelodyme wishing you the best.
    Be careful. He could hurt you. As the other commenter above me mentioned it, he seems to have mental issues. Maybe try to get protection from the police?
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- There's no police protection in my country.

    Hope he is in jail tho.
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    @johnmelodyme oof
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    wtf hahaha, maybe incorporate decency checks into your hiring program next time lol.
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    @molaram Well I'm from Malaysia.
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    @johnmelodyme good things reporting to the police and getting him fire. Such vermin need to be castrated.
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    Now that is a true punk.
    But normally, punks don't try to become coders, so something must have gone wrong here...
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    Such a piece of shit.

    I am a bit embarassed that i might have get his joke, tho.

    You said it was in a PR. Maybe he tought no one reads the commit messages (and had no idea about the email) and you will simply check the PR and "Approve" it.

    It's definitely childish and borderline between undeveloped and sociopathic, but *sigh* i get it.

    I'm really sorry that you experienced this shit. I hope this will be the last time you (or any of us) will hear of him.
  • 2
    @KennyTheBard about him, he got arrested 3 days ago, as he grabbed someone's daughters breast, turned out her dad is a LAWYER!

    Congrats to him, for his 22 years in Sungai Buloh.
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    @johnmelodyme wow, the guy has absolutely no self control or respect for the others. Well, i am glad he will spend some time with others like him and who knows.. maybe he will be on the other side of the grab while in there
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    @KennyTheBard he must be enjoy there now...
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    @johnmelodyme in Chinese we say 菊花扩大
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    @johnmelodyme hopefully he’ll be locked up with the assholes you had to deal with in the past. A Malaysian jail doesn’t sound fun, they would probably feed you dead rats and force you to chip rocks all day. But maybe he’ll be nicer when he gets out...hopefully
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    @TeachMeCode Malaysian prison is same as Thailand but Thailand's are much brutal.
  • 0
    @johnmelodyme i remember reading that if you insult the King of Thailand, you will face execution. Actually it might apply to insulting any member of the royal family of Thailand
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