
hey do you know if there is a JavaScript libary for naming newly created files acording to user convention? Instead of "Unamed file".
Like [DATE]_[0000]_[NAME]_[SIZE].[Filetype] --> 20210708_0001_Pictureofme_1000x1000.jpg

There is a brand new service of the swiss post office that scans all your mail. But in the app it says only "unnamed document" for each new letter.
I'd like to suggest them, that you can set up a naming convention for each new pdf to my liking.
thank you 🙂

  • 1
    google is of no help because all search results are only about js variable naming conventions 😄
  • 4
    Even if there's not, not sure if it would be hard to create one, right?
  • 2
    @heyhenii would use the inotify system for the filename in the download directory. There seems to exist similar implementatations for windows and osx.
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