
A couple of months ago I bought a two year licence for PHPStorm but shortly after I started this new job as React Web developper and everyone in my new team has been using Visual Studio Code with a specific set of plugins and settings which make I my premium IDE useless.
What an investment I did.

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    Sell the licence, cut your losses.
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    @moshmage I would disagree...lately I've been shopping around for a good IDE and I've found nothing that would wholly justify shelling out a couple hundred dollars to replace VS Code and SQL Developer...
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    @rodrigortz Since I have been using bash terminal more and more I came up with same conclusion as you... at least for JS project. For very large php codebase, I still think PHPStorm would be a great choice. Currently this is not the case though hence I am feeling a bit sad.
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    @nickpapoutsis I don't feel like this is something I can do.
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    @moshmage Woaw.If I get it right, they basically give away a pre pre release for free? If you can afford random blow off and agreee they could your system of course...
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    @moshmage Cool, thanks for the tip.
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    @moshmage wil do...thanks!
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