
So I made dis... Next goal is a full scale Arcade machine :-)

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    @Haxk20 i'm using a zero myself for kodi in bedroom, and another to control my garage door :) got 3 more laying around, not sure what to do with em. Think they are to slow for ui stuff tbh..
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    Omg dude this is like my childhood dream to make one of those
    Please please I'm fucking begging you!
    Tell me everything on how you made it!!
    From hardware to software!!
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    @aviv everything is documented here: https://element14.com/community/...#
    It's hidden behind an overlay that says you need to sign up - just inspect element and delete, article is right behind it. It was a lot of fun to build, and kids have played a lot around with it. :)
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    Nice! Be sure to post once you make the final machine. I made a Star Wars bartop a while back but that's at my parents house now. Will try to find a picture so I can post it.
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    @yusijs perfect! Thanks!!
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    Some game related info is here. Maybe you could make some sense out of this. Here are a few pictures related to this but I cannot say anything with confirmation as I am not into gaming. I know https://creative-arcades.com/collec... is good. You can try this out for more detailed stuff for all of us.
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    There are a few images that look like came from some game but i cannot say anything about it like that. Maybe you would find it of some help and would be able to figure it out in some way. You can read in some way from here as it is really good for us. Click Here https://jeuxarcades.com/top-10-best...
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