
New to Linux.
What’s up with Snap? Why is it bad and what are the alternatives?

  • 3

    I know it's out of comparison, but still... It's very convenient. The only problem I've got with AppImage is that it requires a manual desktop shortcut creation step to give some kind of prominence to any app. For someone it will be updates problem (not for me anyway).
  • 6
    Snap is controlled by Canonical, that's what's bad. It's the microsoftisation of Linux.

    You have other options such as Flatpak.
  • 1
    Because it’s bad, that’s why
  • 1

    Elaborate please.
  • 1

    That’s a shitty argument for not using it. Have any others?
  • 2
    I dunno. I personally like just using the native package manager whenever possible. Having a ton of different ways that my applications are installed drives me mad.
  • 4
    Snap is centralized and is introduced by canonical with deb packages that look normal, but are only installing the real package with snap.
    The best alternative is flatpak, it needs no central server and solves the security issue without problem.
  • 0
    @stop Thanks!
  • 0
    Snap, flatpak, and appimages are a result of lazy programmers who dont want to package their programs appropriate for different package managers. Instead of just downloading the specific binaries, you are required to download a lot of runtimes which defeats the purpose of the package management features of linux.
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