
Kotlin is just Java with mask

  • 7
    It's a very pretty mask that makes me work faster with less bugs
  • 1
    Kotlin = bad
  • 0
  • 3
    c is just assembly with a mask
  • 0
    Kotlin is pronounced "Kock leen " in my country for some reason.
  • 1
    The only connection to Java is JVM. Other than that, it has nothing in common with Java. And that’s a good thing.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme that article doesn't cover what Kotlin was built to solve and how it failed to solve, all I saw is he is used to some type of writing style and Kotlin came and threw all that away...

    His argument about companion object is weak, his argument about return when (attached) shows he's clearly not adapting and trying to know why it was built the way it is, it is fine but blaming and speaking like this is not a good idea when he missed what Kotlin was built to solve, reading that should help.
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