Stop fucking with the numbers.
A number is a number, integer or float.
Just because you wanted your stupid decimal place doesn't mean you need to fuck things up and make the front-end break because now its sending a string the server instead of a float. For fuck sakes. How long have we been doing this?

  • 2
    Most frontend devs only know strings and booleans, everything else is overly complex.
  • 0
    Doesn’t sound like something hard to fix....

    And sounds appropriate anyway
    HTML represents all values as strings not byte arrays in low endian
  • 1
    There's also a third more niche one! The fixed point numbers.

    Not used everywhere, but where they are used they are critical
  • 0
    Have you heard the good news of our lord and savior Typescript?
  • 0
    You do know that JSON numbers have some serious limitations in a lot of implementations right?
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