This is gold. This developer has a bold captcha solution.

  • 21
    bold as

    h1 {
    font-size: 100em;
    font-weight: 900;

  • 7
    I don't think this will really work...
  • 70
    It's a fairly standard tactic to filter out lesser bots called a Honey Pot.

    However they should make the input hidden so it can only possibly be completed by a bot and not a user in error.
  • 0
  • 4
    @LynxMagnus too few upvotes here
  • 3
    A modification to this can be random chances of the input field to be filled or not. So only a human will understand if it is to be filled or not.
    And a bit of assistance through placeholder
  • 8
    @LynxMagnus That used to work but bots are smart enough now to check if a field is hidden. So if anything this approach as bad as it looks is possibly better.
  • 9
    The real problem here is Bootstrap
  • 6
    @jackdh I use a text field with visibility: none;
  • 4
    Damn it, this is pure genius!

    And have the name attribute name="address2"
  • 3
    That works well, although you normally hide it. The idea is a bot cannot read the placeholder text, so a bot will fill it in based on its type, the form submits successfully from the front end, but is thrown out by the api if the field is not blank.
  • 2
    @jackdh You're right that a Honey Pot, even when used correctly won't stop all bots, but will certainly catch a few.

    You're security approach should be composed of many different approaches.

    Hopefully these guys have implemented the others rather more successfully than this one.
  • 6
    It's called a honeypot, you normally hide the field with CSS, so only bots will fill it making the form fail.
  • 3
    @George1 I do that too, works like a charm.
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