
How to hang a programmer:

Read the sentence below.
Read the sentence above.

  • 5
    Hence the nagging question constantly in my head: do we program the computers, or do they program us?
  • 3
  • 2
    To see Recursion please see Recursion
  • 1
    This is the equivalent of 'goto'.
  • 0
    I don't really like goto instructions
  • 1
    My compiler went ahead and optimized this away. Statement above already interpreted, did not read again.

    And since the instructions just said to read the statements, nothing was executed and the program exited cleanly.

  • 0
    Haha, goto) that is why you shoud almost never use it)
  • 0
    @faisalhakim47 But that's a tail recursive function, so you don't need stacks at all.
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