Religion is overrated

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    Existence is overrated.
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    It's a lot more complex than you'd think. The ethics branch of philosophy has always been unsatisfying for good reasons.
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    Well if you put out a statement like that you should probably back it up with some arguments..
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    Which religion? Or the concept of religion as a whole? I'd say you can't overestimate the importance of religion both in world history and for people currently living.
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    @Fast-Nop ethics are overrated? 🤔
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    Yeah no shit man
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    @dotnethostage and yet it always screws things up. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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    True! That's why stop worshiping Python like a religion...
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    @jasongodev I worship golang 😅
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    @Fast-Nop religion and ethics are two different things in my opinion. Ethics won't come into picture if we don't believe in religion. Ethics are secondary.
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    @just8littleBit well, whole world is fighting on religion and we need facts 😅
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    @Fast-Nop I believe we need faith to continue with our own life. We putting in under the boundaries of religion and ethics doesn't make sense. Religion was used to keep people together so we fight with enemies and natural disaster and help each other. It's other way around now. People are fighting because of it. It doesn't feel like an issue but it is.
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    @arvinds Ethics are what you get when you secularise a religion, but the resulting ethics are still rooted in the original religion.

    It's about values. Given how different the values have been (and are) across different cultures, there is a wide range of different and contradictory values that allow a stable society. Whatever you think of "universal values" is just the tunnel vision shaped by your culture.

    Hence, it is not possible to base values on reason. The only two ways out are just setting them forth or infinite regress. Religion is the only method that can do both of them, but philosophy can't.

    That's why philosophy never creates a culture and only comes in later when religion has done the job already. Then the religious values get stripped of their basis and rationalised, but the underlying structure remains even when the belief is gone.
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