
Suppose devRanters were to start their own software company, what things would make that company better than others?

I mean, what things would each one of you would want to happen in that company for it to become better and even the best?

  • 3
    Free coffee for everyone
  • 3
    And also comfortable environment
  • 4
    Actual decent management.
  • 5
    Massage after all that work in a chair
  • 7
    @iiii how about ergonomic hentai mousepads?
  • 4
    @iiii budget cuts - you get a chair with built in massage instead.

    (They're pretty great tho)
  • 4
    Do testing. Before production.

    Therefore not living in a permanent state of emergency.

    Quality of life improvement is a consequence.
  • 2
    @MrBrain-007 you mean you don’t get free coffee?!

    I’ve never worked anywhere (uk) that didn’t have free coffee
  • 1
    @RememberMe fine too, I guess. But I would prefer a big strong russian man, who can crush my bones, more
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    @TrevorTheRat unfortunately, free coffee is not equal to good coffee. At my place, there is free coffee, but it's pretty bad.
  • 2
    @iiii ah, fair enough.
    A good coffee (free) would be a great thing to have at work even if it was just first thing in the morning
  • 1
    @TrevorTheRat that's why I was actually buying coffee at the bar in the office made in front of you by a barista, because it was just much better that the horrible free one. Also some smalltalk with the barista as a bonus
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