Quite interested to know, what do UK programmers think of Brexit? Good or bad?

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    @UnicornPoo I'm a brit but I moved to another EU country. I'm not sure which way I would have voted if I still lived there. But only since moving out can I see the (in some was amazing) benefits the UK got to being inside the EU, so voted remain.
    I suspect I would have voted remain anyway, if not just to vote against the wishes of that lizzard farage.
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    Been an utter shit show.
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    @dan-pud yep, in so many ways I want to gloat and say "look - we told you this would happen - IN YOUR FACE" - but it seems the hard-brexiters refuse to believe it. And It's too sad to gloat over. I genuinely feel sorry for the UK.
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    @UnicornPoo it seems pro-brexit people lump "immigrants" under one umberella of "benefit grabbing sponges". They forget the majority are tax paying skilled people. And britain need immigrants, not vicky pollards.
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    So ya’ll voted for “remain” and media also portrayed it as the apocalypse and yet Brexit won? Damn ya’ll got some stubborn ass hidden voters.
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    @Cyanide 52% voted leave. Farage(not PM) said he would never accept a 52%/48% split. But it was in his favour so he pretended he never said it, no contesting.

    A day after the vote, the most popular Google UK search was "what is the EU".

    And since then the despair continues.
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    I'm not from the UK but I was definitely pro brexit. Honestly, fuck the EU. To the extend that it's become a shit show, I'm kinda divided. One the one hand there are genuinely some downsides but on the other hand... that's kinda what you expect. Fighting for freedom will always be hard and painful, it never comes free and it's under constant attack. Looking at history, the only effective way to generate freedom is war, so in that regard the UK got off easy
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    @12bitfloat I'm all for freedom, but at no point in my life was I not free to do anything I wanted. The EU didn't prevent me from doing anything. It's only thanks to being in the EU that I was able to move over to other EU countries without already having a job, and to float around a number of countries in complete freedom (and for free) before settling down. Brit's don't have the freedom to do that now, it has been revoked. You're limited to 30 days and you will need visas.
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    @ojt-rant There's a lot more to it than being able to freely travel around (something that can also be provided by a pact of some sort)

    The EU is a totally corrupt, undemocratic, megalomaniac group of elites. I'm no fan of that
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    UK based, ashamed of my country right now.
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    Brexit: remove the unelected rulers! No, we don't mean the House of Lords!
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    If the MSM is against it, then it is probably a good thing in the long run. I have zero trust that the MSM is telling the truth about anything anymore.
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    @12bitfloat You say that as if there was such a thing as non-corrupt governments. The EU isn't great but that's mainly because people are a bunch of bastards.
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    @deadlyRants Currently just about every government is corrupt and colluding.
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    As long as you have cookie banner you are good to go...or is it?
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    @12bitfloat but it never once restricted people's freedom to do anything. And the UK government is also completely corrupt. Atleast with the EU, every country has to agree to something for it to happen. With the UK government, they can do whatever they like and just get away with it.
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    @jasongodev for me, the cookie banner and the high cost of importing from outside of the EU are the 2 main negative sides :) . And the cookie banner thing will go in the next couple of years. I suspect chromium will end up handling this separately, so all browsers will go that way (apart from Safari, because it has its own rules and it's terrible)
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