
Today I found out my family does 'hard' shut downs to my home server by unplugging the power cord when I'm not home...

  • 5
    Are you paying the electric bill?
  • 2
    I hope you've got autorun...
  • 0
    Wow, that's rude!
  • 15
    Something like this happened at a previous employer quite a few years ago. We found one of our in-office dev servers powered off some mornings; nothing in the logs at all... I even commented something to the effect "it's like someone just pulled the plug." We had the hardware vendor out to run diagnostics, the whole deal...

    Maybe 2 weeks into it, we were working late in the office on something unrelated, and we watched someone from the office cleaning staff walk right over and yank the server power cable out of the UPS and plug in their vacuum. #TrueStory
  • 2
    @cdrice Deserves promoting to a rant, great comment!
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