Is it too much to ask for companies in the current world to be.. oh I don't know.. honest and consistent?

If you advertise on your Job section: "We always give our candidates feedback, whether they got the job or not". Then, *****, give them feedback! I applied and they never got back to me. And no, that's not feedback.

  • 8
    "Is it too much to ask for companies in the current world to be.. oh I don't know.. honest and consistent?"

  • 3
    You just don't give feedback. One slight mistake, and you have a lawsuit ongoing. Why taking that risk, as a company, when there is absolutely no benefit for you? Even promising to give feedback is stupid.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop We do, but we're in the minority, and yeah, it has to be screened before going out to make sure it's not going to come back to bite us. That inevitably means that sometimes it does have to be watered down (clearly we can't say "you're a massive arse who wouldn't get on with anyone on the team", even though that's sometimes the case.)

    Still bites us in any case though as we have some candidates who start arguing things like "Hey, but I have got experience on (related thing) instead you didn't ask me about, that's not a good enough reason!"
  • 2
    Feedback: you're just not a good fit
  • 0
    Most don’t
    They say they went with a different candidate

    But what the reason is could be illegal
    Like they’re younger
    Will suck duck
    Smikes prettier
    Perkier tits
    Is a chomo
    Is not black
  • 0
    No feedback shields them
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