Me: Taking online course for programming. Think it's not that hard.

PC: Coded programm runs good like in the tutorial.

Me: Wow I can code now.

Just printed "Hello World"

  • 2
    *me after any udemy programming course*
  • 3
    My favorite are tutorials for IDE/SDK versions from two years ago because no can be arsed to do an updated version and then nothing works like the tutorial says it should because the libraries changed and I have to spend an extra who knows how long figuring out what the godforsaken problem is and then finding the new way of doing it and making sure it works in the tutorial.
  • 0
    @core but you know what is beautiful about that? You learned a little about problem solving. And that's a skill one can't really teach. So be proud of yourself
  • 2
    @tisaconundrum true, it's just frustrating to problem solve something you're learning
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