Fucking react programmers

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    What does "normal sword" refer to?
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    React does a special diff calculation on the DOM objects instead of rewriting them as any other library would have done. That's definitely magical
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    I still don't get the hate that people have against react....
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    @SirWindfield people hate what they don't understand
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    So you expect us to use Jquery or Javascript for doing what React does? Are we back to 2014 or what. And what kind of magic swords just cut cloths? What mythology are you reading?
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    @tahnik i mean, we already had the discussion. There are a lot of UI libraries out there, angular 2, react, vue are all viable. But hating a library for stupid reasons like "it's made by Facebook, I won't use it" is ridiculous. That's like, I dunno, Hitler would go and visit some good old friends and then heats that they are actually Jewish. Like wtf. Disliking things because of ethical believe (which Facebook hate falls I into from my stand point) is just narrow minded. React has it flaws but it is stable, has a huge community, scales well, and a really important part is, that it is developed by a big company. Such products very often do not get discontinued out of the void.

    Disclaimer: I neither endorse nor emphasize any actions and beliefs of Adolf Hitler.
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    @SirWindfield well this tweet means that there's isn't any differences between javascript and react. That's a stupid assumption and the fact that so far 80+ people has upvoted me is what amazes me.
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    @SirWindfield actually the comparison is a bit out of place in my opinion..
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    @tahnik yep, rediculous. It's like that old SO post where people recommended jQuery to add numbers. Same thing happened there, people just assumed that jQuery IS Javascript.
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    I like when angular/react devs get taunted they feel an urge to bash jQuery.

    Feeling insecure huh ?

    $(document).on('argumentWon' flyAwayNotGivingAFuckingFuck);
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    Jealous of my components huh
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    @matanl tbh most client side rendering engines that perform rerenders do that this these days, that said react did pioneer this approach
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    @SirWindfield Most don't, it's the community largely being made up of morons that irks me the most.

    It's because of this I feel in a lot of ways that React is the new jQuery in the way it is recommended.
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    @tahnik haha, remember our conversation? Happening again lol
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    @SirWindfield yeah they need to feel accomplished somehow lol

    @nblackburn I thought you said "we focus on building not bragging". Looks like you guys are spending a lot of time bashing :P
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    @tahnik Actually I have not said a bad word about React, if you are going to try to get one up on me then at least get your facts in order.
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    @nblackburn he can't, he is too dump, he's using react.
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    @nblackburn not sure if it is only me, but it honestly seems to me that you always bash on the react community and people who use it. And I just don't get why. :)
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    @SirWindfield Just the community in general and I already explained why.
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    @nblackburn ah, didn't see the post. I understand your pov now. Thanks! :)
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    @SirWindfield See, I am not being a dick for the sake of it. There was a point to my crusade and feel it's valid critque of the community in general.
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    @nblackburn I meant bashing on the community not react. I've been working with react for almost a year now. I don't know why you think most of the react community is made up with morons but whatever makes you happy I guess.
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    @tahnik Naturally you will have a bias being part of a community so of course you wouldn't see that.
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    @nblackburn not really. I am android fan. Most of the android fans are quite edgy and I am aware of that.
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    DevRant please..
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    @masterdoctor buh python, go Ruby 🎉
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    @dkore but react and angular doesn't even compete with each other. They are different.
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    @SirWindfield the answer was sarcastic that's why it had so many up votes. how can you not know how to add two freaking numbers and Have the audacity to ask on SO nkt!
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    Though react native is the shit, I agree
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    @phantom-254 I am pretty sure it was a legit question.
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    So I'm taking my valuable time to learn a script language that fucking Facebook is pushing. Well if I can find some clean code in React-TypeScript-MobX or a damn ebook on it I'd buy. So far I've been snipe hunting. Burning hours reading about React people arguing over Redux and MobX. What the hell man!
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    I love magic anyway.
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