
Not a Rant but a question..

How would you deal with a client that has a crush on you, when you're not interested at all?

  • 6
    "Client" complicates it. Any kind of rejection will probably not end well. I'd prepare to find a new client once the contract is done.
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    Crushes are how business is done. I'd say continue being a gentleman as no one has asked you to declare interest.
  • 16
    Show her some Python
  • 4
    Be nice, stay professional but make it clear that you don't want anything from her/him.
    If [s ]he is the least bit professional they will respect it.
    Otherwise (if you think they aren't or you don't want to take any risks) pretend to be gay/straight.
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    Just openly pick your nose in a meeting, you only need do it once, and that'll be that.
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    @helloworld sounds like you're speaking from personal experience
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    Charge more.
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    I'd say a mix of what a business man would do and what a nice person would do could work well:
    Don't tell them that your not interested right away. You want their money afterall. Maybe you could use their crush on you as an advantage to easily get a bigger budget.
    But when things are about to get serious, you should tell them the truth. That you don't feel the same way for them. Better keep quite about how you've been exploiting their feelings for you though. Remember: It's your client. And you like money.
  • 2
    Just be you. Politeness goes a long way. As long as they aren't making any physical contact and arent making you uncomfortable, use it to your advantage and get the work done. Once complete, they should go away and everyone is happy. If this persists after the job is done, THEN kindly let them know you are uninterested. (Just my opinion)
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    @ocab19 Actually no, I got the idea whilst driving, I stopped at some traffic lights, in the lane next to me there was a bloke going for it. It was disgusting, So if I thought it was disgusting, theres no way a member of the opposite sex wouldn't agree. (I think I got out of that one unscathed)
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