
So my company hired a new UX girl last week, today is hers 3rd day at work.
Its 11.30 in the morning, I've been working for couple hours, on my custom module (if you have worked with drupal you know how stoked you are to write your own god damn code once in a while), im blasting some trance through the headphones. It is an early spring and the sky is clear. Perfect day non the less.
Out of nowhere this new UX girl appears near my desk, grabs my tea spoon without even asking and goes to stir her god damn tea. She throws it on the kitchen table without cleaning and goes to her desk.
I got so god damn triggered, this ruined my perfect mood for the upcoming 2 hours. Still cant think of a reason why she would do that, this is just plainly rude.

  • 4
    Wtf xD I'm imagining it really strange.
  • 6
    Tomorrow: get her tea cup and throw it on the sink without washing and move on.
  • 5
    Jeez.... why would you think about it for 2 hours ??
    Any chance you're attracted to her 😏😏
  • 9
    Just get her a nice Mug and a brand new tea spoon and welcome her to the team. My 2¢.
  • 7
    Maybe she has a crush on you and is trying to get attention
  • 8
    Im a type of guy who will just pretend nothing happened just to avoid any unpleasant human interaction. Cant help myself
  • 7
    Oh sorry that might have been sexist. Admit you fancy this lady!
  • 2
    @vpanuragpandey I would not rant if I was attracted to her. To be honest she is a solid 3, but I am not a prince myself so Im really working on avoiding this judging ;) ;)

    @uselesshero Your username is pretty self explanatory :D
  • 14
    Sounds like she needs to work on her user experience skills.
  • 0
    @viksas I always have that my fucking self
  • 1
    I would do what @codeblue said. You can take high ground and get rid of the problem (not girl!).
  • 1
    @unjx Oh the irony....
  • 0
    Ha! Shes on to you.
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