running tar commands like
tar -abcdefghijfoeifjeoigejj3powogjp3wrijgo3iwerjgoijokjfwefmpwefoewfjweojfw666

  • 2
    Well the 666 might call the satan in your Linux system
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    I mechanically recorded in my mind a sequence of parameters that has not failed yet, I completely ignore what they are for, but hey, it works...
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    tar is nothing what you make it seem like 🤔
  • 5
    Accidentally compressed the file again for the 66th time when all you wanted to do was unpack it...
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    Check the extract function in this gist.


    It's been a long time since I used it, so it's probably in pretty rough shape ^^
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    I can relate
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    @lotd the function is great, I just don't know why it's set to run on the parent folder. I made the adjustment and added it to my bashrc
  • 1
    Having grown with lha, ice , zip, arj, arc, zoo (probably forgetting some) don't find tar particularly difficult, it's quite logic
    x[jzJ]f to eXtract, c[jzJ]f to Create where jzJ is one of the compression.
    Sure, add v before f for the hacker look,
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