
Me and my friend (let's call him Tom) have done tons of projects before and got some decent knowledge, but we got a dude (Bob) working with us on that final project of Uni and he doesn't know what Git is nor what frameworks are so we chose CodeIgniter ONLY to make it easy for him.

2 month after starting the project and getting like half of the work done (mainly me and Tom) Bob 'kind of' learned PHP, CodeIgniter and Git so he wanted to contribute because the project manager will review all the commits done weekly.

So Bob did some HTML (what now?) and wanted to push it on the repo and even using Gitkraken as opposed to the Git CLI he managed to merge two f*** branches, and when he doesn't mess up the repo he totally ignores the files' structure of the project and makes his own thing.

Worst thing is, when Tom tries (I gave up a long time ago) to teach him something or to give him advice he's all like "Oh okay" "Yeah" "Got it!" but he doesn't understand anything and he won't admit it ! It's like talking to a wall...

  • 2
    Holy shit the symmetry between your situation and ours is scary.

    Also our FYP (Final Year Project), also a guy who does shit all but now suddenly wants to work because work will be reviewed. Also says yeah I get it before going and bullshitting something unrelated.

    only difference is that in my case, Bob is the guy who is working (his name is actually Bob). I showed this to him and he laughed his ass off.
  • 0
    @BingBangTheory hahahaha good luck to you and Bob !
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