do you guys roll all this back the moment i stop posting or do you wait a year ?

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    I wonder, why does your avatar have hair if you're bald?
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    talking about this post, where you said you don't have all your hair... just kinda got my attention
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    @Hazarth I'm not bald, i'm just thinning
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    @AvatarOfKaine Ah, didn't think of that option. Possibly due to stress? you seem to be stressed out often, considering the stuff you seem to be dealing with irl
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    @Hazarth the stress is probably what turned my hair mostly gray, the aging is probably what is making me go bald since its not 2021.
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    @Hazarth and honestly you have no idea the fuked up things i've seen and returned back to work from for example. heh.

    i just want to do what i was doing once and stay quit smoking and have hope for the future and exercise a few times a week and have something to look forward to and do goddamn work of some sort !

    coding, it, comp repair, administration, logistics, fuck I'd even do law enforcement if there weren't nothing but dirty fucking cops !

    just anything to get free of this mindless stupid reptition these people drag everything through because their fucked up monsters !
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    I need to get good safe feeling comfortable sleep ! and maybe a piece of ass would be nice !
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    I mean they drag me through this shit over and over and try to lock me into the same persistent state of hopeless helpless anxiety for no reason leaving their dirty chomo selves as the only option to find relief and its always just more of the same fucked up shit

    i could just let myself 'go with the flow' and age 20 years prematurely like the rest of them since they're psychologically putting their body into 'lay down and die' mode by just floating through !
  • 0
    @Hazarth so why do you people ask stuff like that ?

    actual interest or are you asking because you like to feel like someone has it worse than someone who can't be happy even though they're needs are all taken care of and they're doing well otherwise like the losers they are ?
  • 0
    @Hazarth because if i was back to where i was once i figured myself out and everything was ok for awhile, and there was a point, which was simply live and learn and try to make myself better off, and there was the possibility of finding friends, and society and lovers and amusement that wasn't poisoned by this fucking chomo cartel or whatever the fuck it is thats fucked up our country, i'd be fine no matter what I was doing, so long as I wasn't being plagued by dirty fucked fucking cops.

    and no i will not explain my appearance by saying its 2021, if you haven't noticed we're allllll back here again.

    wheres the incentive in lying ? even about that ?
    zimmerman commented previously on this exchange and I don't see a point playing along, if you want me to look 40, transplant some hair, hell steal it off my fucking piece of shit fathers head for all i care !
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    like this was me at 40. not 30, not 32, not 28. this was me at 40. possibly older.
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    if you knew my family you'd know we live a really really long time, and age slow.
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    so slow in fact to make us look temporarily older they put me under so much stress i went gray temporarily and then went mostly back to dark hair over nad over and probably plan to until it stick sbecause for them its all about creating a moving prison of fucking the same shit,
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    @Hazarth what angers me is how these fuckng people having 0 consideration or value in anyone else's life, take their time fucking other people up just because they're worthless cocksuckers that deserve to die and somehow have been put in positions to cause trouble those of us who deserve to live.

    and no offering me a piece of diseased or ripped up ass does not make up for this shit., especially when these fucking subhuman creatures who cause all this misery think they're owed something for it, they're owed nothing, they should be happy they're not fucking dead like they should be !
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    God I swear to god I’m going to kill one of these fucks or do something else nasty to them and feel reallly relaxed
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    @AvatarOfKaine im just genuinely currious about you sometimes. In some posts it feels like we could be friends, but then in other posts you suddenly sound completely nuts, talking about stuff that no one else feels, knows about or believes. It makes me actually worried about you.

    Maybe your time telling circuit in your brain is off and you actually feel like time is jumping around. But it isn't, time is linear and we're all in 2021 still and will be for a few more months.
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    @Hazarth what do you get out of lying ? A false feeling of power ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine not lying, Im a curious man. A developer after all. I take things apart to learn how they work as a hobby
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    @Hazarth you said it’s 2021

    I was still passably in my early 30s in 2021 unless you saw me naked in my late 20s vs then there was a slight difference

    Which in helping to keep all you fucks stuck they compensated for by sending me allll the way back to fuck with the photo Chain

    Trust me it’s more like 2040 right now roundabouts
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    @Hazarth and I really hate you worthless people
    I really really do
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine It's not 2040, it's 2021. The entire world is running under 2021 date.

    Hell, HTTPS certificates require date validation... no website would be working if my certificate says "expires 2022" and it's really 2040...

    I'll do you even one better. Message signing requires exact date... if you shift your computer clock by just a few hours no HTTPS website will work for you because the signing process will fail...

    the date is exact, and it's synchronized across NTP servers... everyone everywhere agrees it's 2021, which makes it 2021...

    you're a dev too, no? you should know this stuff if you're as old and as experienced as you claim...
  • 0
    @Hazarth no the visiuble world is running under that date which amounts to some ntp servers and certs being reissued.

    i can change my system date and regenerate x509 certs too and with enough work and power could control software distribution points to fool little idiots as well.

    if the point were to NOT breed more of them, i'd understand this, and if the point were a ruthless attempt to catch all of them, i could see that too but that is not what I, having traveled the country, have seen.
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine you can regenerate your certs, but that don't make it valid amigo. It's like money... they only have the value they have because *everyone* agrees they do...

    Same with time and date... if *everyone* agrees it's 2021, a year has 365 days, a day is 24hrs, a hour is 60minutes and a minute is 60 seconds and a second is defined by the frequency of caesium energy levels changing... well... I'd say it would be pretty difficult to fool anyone that it's 2021 if it wasn't... We have defined time to be tied to atomic clocks, and as long as the laws of physics don't change, a second is a second, and a year is a year, and it roughly corresponds to earth going around the sun once.

    So yeah, if everyone agrees it's 2021 it's 2021. No matter what you do with your certificates, they won't be valid on any other date except the one that's globally used and accepted.

    no time jumps are happening, get yourself a calendar and observe how days go one by one in one direction...
  • 0
    @Hazarth ok lets simplify.

    you control the distribution points and infect the root certifcate store of the software so that if they connect to another network and use the proper date and time they throw back problems, you place the person on a privately routed vlan that functions over wan connections and knows the hardware that is supposed to connect to it and control hardware distribution then you control everything and can clone what you want from the www and control content exposure.

    i know your background isn't in intelligence but try to keep up.

    now, the cert authority being valid ? doesn't matter they never see it.

    the cert store having bogus root certs in it allows signing of literally every bogus server and softwrae package with a fake certificate until a takeover of the tech companies can be completed.
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    so the people essentially get fed and have exposed only what the people running the netwrok want them to see which allows them also to adjust the time and date of various electronics and delete, archive and copy files as they see fit. now all you need is personnel who are brainwashed or threatened into pretending no time is passing. and boom you have the condition loop as it presnetly exists and a subpopulation of people raised in a box.
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    what is worse is foreigners are often either raised among native speakers domestically or imported from their criminal population in preference of honest people.
  • 0
    point being to conceal, trap, experiment, control, breed, export, import, plan, and contain a captive population and grow their number until they are the population and convert everything into trash one town at a time, manipulating the stupid herd into being exactly what they are, dumb cattle.
  • 0
    and i believe we had this conversation last time. how has life improved hazarth ?
  • 0
    see and thats the other thing.
    i was raised among these people and never knew what they were, back when the world was more alive.

    they took over multiple cities and towns and infected everywhere stealing the seed of the last generation and spreading their whore legs to take control of the future of the country.

    and what i see is economic controls on their ruined minds being able to reoffend, and nothing more.

    but i could see how if it was figured out how to make me stay straight, and obviously they figured out how to ruin all of you and make you fucking pedo queers, that there could be a hidden purpose to avert the catastrophe which is you people, or continue along the path of proper human evolution ijnstead of regressing us to apes with big tits and large dicks that are so ruined no cultured or civilized person possesing any goodness would pity them upon learning how they really were.
  • 0
    lets add the fact that member sof the depression generation in their population betrayed them and exxagerated the scope of this to the younger generation that was raised like them and you have a massive fraud aimed at silent conquest the establishment of serf class that doesn't bleive they are serfs until its too late who are so evil and ruined they never form bonds of love and riendship are perpetually isolated, isolate other people, and have no sense of value of themselves and never learn anything and so get used for what they are because they don';t see it quite that way or have any sense of self worth
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    *clap clap clap* bravo. you people sold away your basic birthrights by propping up your faggot parents
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine Your Tech takeover of time has one tiny issue... Offline clocks exists, like normal wall clocks, and wind-up watches on our wrists. And they confirm the times and dates on our machines like laptops and phones...

    So clearly, certificate validity is not being manipulated, it's being kept in sync with the offline world correctly as it's expected and as it should be.

    So there is no big tech conspiracy on time manipulation going on. That's how easy it is to confirm that... the NTP servers report same time as any wall clock and they do it constantly and consistently.

    So once again, if your basic premise of time being moved back/forth is provably false, then all of your other assumptions about "them", whoever they might be, can be questioned...

    as for us already having this conversation. No, we didn't, not this one in particular. I believe we had a short "argument" about time before, but never this in-depth. This is new.
  • 0
    I mean if you can remember conversations that we "already had" that I don't know about... you're either a time traveler, or your memory is wonky...

    if you're a time traveler, with future information there's a relatively simple way to confirm that...

    make a prediction in a text file... calculate the SHA-256 HASH of the plaintext. Encrypt the message with any secure symmetric method using a secret random key. upload the encrypted file to any service of your choosing and post the HASH and link to that file right now... once the prediction comes true, share the secret key with us... people will be able to verifiable check that:

    a) the prediction inside the file came true

    b) the file wasn't modified because the HASH still has to match after decrypting

    c) the prediction was made in the past, because the hash was posted on devrant, on a past date (and devrant removes the "edit" option after about 10 minutes, and everyone could copy and store the hash anyway)
  • 0
    @Hazarth not really getting it are you even that example you indicated can be accomplished by placing a duplicate of the hash generation program on someones comp after having already sampled what they will use it for or creating a series of values to feed it from a hidden network service or file on their machine/
  • 0
    @Hazarth as to the offline clock aspect. what is important is the date not the time, and you would have to isolate the individuals who are still alive among conspirators which they do.
  • 0
    @Hazarth additionally controlling the manufacture of such things to be secretly online devices was not possible till recently the average IC is much much smaller than it used to be so if the device uses electric it can be tampered with.

    wind up clocks are expected to lose time so people tend to adjust them.
  • 0
    @Hazarth and remember noone uses a sextant and ephemeride to get the current time, it is a construct which is AGREED upon

    so yes most certainly what i am saying is possible with enough people trying to hide something or confuse someone else especially after several generations of expansion and an idiot population which gets set to screw each other and themselves and get stuck
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    what enrages me is we finally reached a time period where everyone could have had precisely what was needed to stay healthy, happy and only agreed on certain limiting factors with the proper economic updates we could have all lived glorious lives and all the shitwork would still have got done.

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    that wasn't good enoigh for these people.
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    anyway the rainbow table thing you suggested is the opposite of how it would be done.

    you'd just generate so many millions of keys for certain things, and place backdoors on everything else that were built in somewhere so that you could retrieve a private key pair in the case of p2p communications.

    its not as hard as it sounds if you control the mfg
  • 0
    @Hazarth kind of amuses me, years ago the fucks created a fraudulent implementation of an idea that i had instead of just working on the real thing involving small batch processor and electrical component creation with expandable modular clean room 'cubes' that would house small parts of the manufacturing with the idea being to take one centralized industry and split it into many many smaller diy manufacturers and professionals so that custom IS and Arch would be possible to offset various worms, trojans, and prevent hardware based infiltration and control
  • 0
    @Hazarth and these people really fuck themselves. another aspect is that people who forget things are part of this equation. people who were traumatized so badly that they have something very similar to trauma based memories that link together under the same mental arrangement and when someone winds them back they skip in the middle of the song and bury whole knowledge structures related to the period of pain and loss, and for those that don't the potency of certain kinds of memory without queuing or a general desire to not be aware of time does them in. so otherwise they'd be able to predict vast expanses of things, and limiting record keeping, seizing property etc being a part of this they'd have no power.
  • 0
    so loki season 2 hasn't come out yet right ?
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    @root @rantsauce @floydimus @iii @yehaaw @blernn @scor @johnmelodyme @almondsauce

    do you know what I saw a few times this time and last time around ? I saw two instances where there was someone in the same spot as me as a child saying the same things. only now is some of the things i was told floating into my mind that they were trying to use us to create replicas of human life in their victims, but then what is necessary about us afterwards if they're content with mindless slaves ?
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