You know what I find funny about all this vax bs

News says many people who already caught Covid are getting it

Vaccines don’t work like that lol

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    Both covid-19 and the vax are bio weapons. Also, not all batches are the same. Some people getting saline, some getting mild version with graphene, some getting "full" shot. You can actually track the majority of deaths due to the shot from Pfizer to one batch number. That batch number is 95% of the deaths from the Pfizer shot. This is an experiment on the whole planet.
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    Also, youtube has video on it where they are saying covid-19 causes ED to scare people into getting vax.
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    @Ubbe Agreed that this isn’t the place.

    You have to admit it’s odd, though, that it’s being pushed so hard for something that’s honestly not very scary, and I say that as someone suffering long term effects from it. Also, people who died from accidents, getting eaten by wildlife, etc. are classified as covid deaths? Maybe that’s from hospitals getting additional funding for each one?

    It just seems so overhyped and pushed way too hard. Soon people won’t be able to work anywhere if they haven’t been vaccinated? Yet it doesn’t prevent catching nor spreading it? And the virus kills fewer people than the flu? So why force this particular vaccine? So much of it just doesn’t make sense. Also, and what really worries me: the manufacturers are legally protected from all liability relating to their vaccines. That is actually terrifying.

    But all the inconsistencies aside, at least this is definitely amusing:
    “Patient presented with multiple broken bones caused by extreme blunt force trauma due to a failed parachute. Official cause of death: covid. 🪂”. Probably fake, but there are legit stories of people having to fight with hospitals to get their relatives’ causes of death changed from covid, so. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    That greed, yo.

    I’m also sick of the conspiracy stories, but you have to admit there’s a lot of troll and conspiracy-nut food surrounding this whole debacle with how little of it makes sense. Enough that I’m really beginning to wonder, too.
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    @Demolishun what does ED mean?
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    @iiii erectile dysfunction
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    @rEaL-jAsE "causes emergency department" does not compute...
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    @ScribeOfGoD this makes sense. But doesn't the virus attack lungs? 🤔
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    @iiii respiratory system and heart
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    @Root I never knew some could breathe with their penis 🤔
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    @iiii Some guys do practically everything with / because of their penis. Think, flirt, brag, fight, compensate, …
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    Luckily I keep myself in shape to avoid ED lol. I can’t imagine living with a useless cock
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    There was a lot of money to make.

    As always, FUD helped making it.

    When media starts quoting sources which are flagged with a red banner "peer review missing" ...

    Vaccines are seen as an immunization - which they're not...

    And so on.

    Long list short: I think every government failed it's task to inform properly. In my opinion any media (including government controlled) just poured oil in the fire.
    Last but not least, the scandals many governments had were just the cherry on the top.

    Social media then added kerosene to it.
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    Yeeeees @Demolishun and @Root are the perfect candidates for being antivaxxers, based on all their previous post going in the right direction
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    @Ubbe how is it 0 iq ? A vaccine works by taking variant of a virus that is inactive and letting the body form antibodies against it. Meaning at this point you don’t have the virus

    Everyone knows vaccines are ineffective if you already have the virus and I said this last time

    Yet even our president got the vaccine after catching the fake plague
  • -1
    @Root I saw a headline that claimed Covid killed people in a methlab explosion lol

    You know what else is terrifying ? Other than watching people do the same things all around the country like brainless robots ? The idea that the people who really need benefits and the like are normally the last people you get them

    We argued about whether people making 200000 a year should get 1200 in stimulus payments while the bill was delayed by months

    Some of these smug people it shows in some of their faces what they’ve done to themselves

    But the simpler they are the less that is true

    Makes me wonder who anything benenfits anymore other than like you said the richest people

    300 million bottles of saline charged to the government or people at full price

    That’s a lot of money
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    Funny how I see the same people from 20 years ago walking around in the street and they’re not dead

    Covid heh
    Covid like how many times
    Same stupid story
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    @rEaL-jAsE he meant erectile dysfunction which does scare most men

    I’d think the uncharacteristic day or two of nausea people supposedly are experiencing would do that
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    @Root how you doing making sexy valid points against financial giants raping the public with your fine fine ass lol
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    @TeachMeCode I love how not only did this dominate this thread but I participated

    Nagging is the lead source of Ed in the country

    Why don’t we speak out against that ?
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    @knobfloortowel I was not antivaxer until I researched what was in it. Maybe you should wonder why there is thymerisol in vaccines. I am also pure blood. So take your demeaning labels and shove em where the sun dont shine.
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    I am jabbed and generally pro vaccinations but vaccination mandates are complete bullshit and should never have become a thing.
    Remember when the virus broke out und China and some parts of the media tried to protect China?
    This whole pandemic has led to unforeseen amounts of propaganda and authoritarianism.
    Why can't we fucking go back to some level of Darwinism?
    Eventhough deaths are regrettable, there is, in my opinion, no justification for any mandate for vaccination.
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    @knobfloortowel I am not anti vax.

    I have had the rest of the vaccinations; however, I am hesitant to take this one because a) it’s a new type, b) hasn’t undergone thorough testing, c) has side effects similar to something I’m already experiencing, and d) I already contracted the virus. I want to wait to see what the longer term side effects are, and what my chances of having those are. If it causes an enlarged heart, for example, it could very well kill me. I also want to see if it protects against more than I already have immunity to.

    It also worries me that the governments, especially here in the states, are pushing it so very hard, and that the manufactures have zero liability for it. Whenever the government forces something, it’s generally not for the reasons they say, and it always ends poorly. And zero liability has never been good for anyone.

    I also agree with @PonySlaystation that the mandates are totally uncalled for and should not exist. People should be responsible for themselves, and allowed to make their own decisions. Inform them, give them access, and let them make their own decision. If that decision ends with them getting sick, it’s on them.
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    (I also agree with @PonySlaystation about the incredible surge in authoritarianism everywhere. Propaganda, too.)
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    @Root i get it now, you’re not against the vaccine itself, but the fact that you can’t do shit or go anywhere without it and there are people like you who might not react well to it. That does suck.
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    @Root You really really have to look hard to find these, but top athletes in the last few months can no longer be athletes:


    Also, Gavin Newsome got vax and has now been missing for 12 days. I am hearing through the grape vine that he has bells palsy now. Supposedly people close to him have seen this. But for a public figure that is promoting the vax to disappear and not make public appearances to show how safe the vax is speaks volumes. Complete lack of accountability and leadership.
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    @Demolishun so sad for the diver to go through this! I recall 2 days after my second vacc I felt some weird calf cramps as I was walking. I haven’t had them since but I’m not sure whether it was the vacc or just a shitty day...
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    @Root the rest of the vaccinations were for real diseases
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    @Root personally I think control of the masses is necessary at this point but the people doing so are just as fucked up evil and corrupt as the people
    They’re trying to control attempting to turn our population into a bunch of fucking two bit psychos for their own amusement like some people I see frequently lie
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